Are You Mad Bro?

Or are you scared?

I ask because all those protesting anti-mask cretins seem inordinately wound up about a triviality. A common sense inconvenience that’s somehow evoked an emotional response so strong that I’m becoming suspicious that the real emotion at work here is fear.

And that fear is presenting as anger.

So what scares the bro’s and the Karens enough to have them take time off from work to protest having to wear a cloth over your face some of the time? What terrifies these people so much that they’re compelled to assault a masked kid trying to go to school?

Is it science? Are they scared of research and facts? Are they scared because they can’t understand the complexity of viral transmission and vaccine production? It’s odd how these people are enthusiastic participants in assisting both stupidity and covid from going viral and they really don’t understand the damage from either virus.

I get this sense from watching and listening to these whinesteins that their entire life is spent in a pre-panic state. Kind of like sitting at a desk waiting for an advanced calculus exam while still struggling with understanding how long division works.

It’s easier to just proclaim that calculus is the work of Satan than admit you lack the mental capacity to understand math with letters.

And so instead of studying, they devote their time to claiming letter math is an attack on their personal belief systems.

It’s the same old bullshit that Galileo and Copernicus dealt with. People become afraid when faced with a concept they can’t grasp. That fear then morphs into action to silence and erase this scary thing. Whatever it is that’s causing them to behave like frightened children hasn’t abated. But they feel much better after denying it’s existence, and maybe excommunicating an astronomer or two and torching a couple of bitches that look like witches. Denial is way fucking easier than studying or admitting that you might be better served to trust someone who does understand this thing that’s scaring you.

There’s lots of noise from these people about an assault on their personal liberties, but I don’t think that’s really what they’re afraid of. I don’t believe their right to be stupid assholes is in jeopardy at all. No one is taking away their access to Tucker, Facebook and church, so the pillars of ignorance are still standing strong. They may however see their right to act stupid in public somewhat curtailed, because their brew of selfishness and idiocy is a clear and present danger to everyone else.

The notion that a vaccine passport and a mask mandate are assaults on their freedom is ridiculous. Passports are already mandatory if you want to travel outside your country, and there will always be codicils to any freedom you think you deserve.

Freedom to operate a motor vehicle is a good example. Yes, at a certain age you are eligible to enjoy this freedom. But, you need to wear a seatbelt and you need insurance and plates. You need to pass a written test, and you have to demonstrate a minimum of actual capability before you you can exercise your four wheeling freedom. You can and will suffer consequences if you abuse this driving freedom by speeding, or motoring while intoxicated. In fact we’ve had to pass a myriad of laws to constrain this particular liberty, and we have things called radar and highway patrol to make certain the sheep are shepherded.

We have these laws because it was quickly determined that without them the irresponsible among us were going to kill and injure their fellow driving citizens consistently and in volume. We also have to continue to assess these driving laws to keep up with changing times. Like distracted driving laws, or not being allowed to toss a toddler into the bed of your Chevy.

Last year in the U.S. the national safety council published statistics that show 1.6 million accidents each year caused by texting while driving., or one in four of all car crashes. The injuries for those crashes are just under four hundred thousand.

And so eventually the carnage of the negligent has to be stemmed with you guessed it, laws.

In fact, if you think about it, all of our laws are written to deter certain behavior by mandating responsibility in the form of a penalty for that behavior.

And so it is with vaccines and masks. Some people are going to have to be compelled to act responsibly for the sake of others. You can call this new requirement a mandate if you’re inclined, or you can call it a law if you want. But, regardless of what you call it, this new requirement is specifically designed to compel the ignorant and the selfish to behave.

And as long as there’s no punitive consequences for lethal irresponsibility, then that irresponsibility will continue.

I’m not suggesting that the anti-sanity crowd be euthanized, but I’m absolutely in favor of compelling those people to live with the results of their decisions. If you give zero fucks about your fellow citizens and refuse to wear a mask in Safeway, then you’re going to need someone to pick up your groceries for you. If you believe that the vaccine is some nefarious plot that every government in the world is in on, then you need to accept that you’re home schooling your kids, you’re going to have to watch the monster truck rally on the tube, and your away from home dining experiences are going to involve a drive through.

Consequences right?

At this moment in time, seventy percent of Canadians are fully vaccinated. So, it seems to me that the next step is to compel the three out of ten to comply with the wishes of the majority. We can compel with education and vaccine availability and we can compel with punitive consequences, but the decision to vaccinate and wear masks still rests with the individual.

No one is going to hold you down and inject you, but you’re not going to be able to get on an airplane either.

I was watching the news the other day and was gifted with some anti-vaccination mentality courtesy of video from CBC. Justin was campaigning and being harassed by a few very loud arseholes. One of them had his moment in the sun as he was recorded screaming angrily at the Prime Minister that he could shove his vaccine up his fucking ass.

So, I was wondering if this is the mentality and eloquence of your typical anti vaccine proponent. I wondered also if Canadians are ok with this level of stupidity even being part of the discourse around vaccines. Or any other National policy for that matter.

I mean for fuck sakes, how did this person conclude that Justin owns the vaccine? Last I looked, the vaccine belongs to the pharmaceutical companies. But, scared people are seldom wise people, and their preference is to find someone to blame for their fear and then eliminate that person. It’s exactly the same mentality as the peasants that gather to watch an accused witch burn, convinced that torching a couple of people is going to magically change things.

Goddamn idiots. Loud and scared and irrational all in one package is not ideal, but sadly it is typical for every crisis humanity has endured. So, it seems to me that any crisis plan that we conceive should contain a strategy for how to deal with the mentally challenged witch burners. When developing this pandemic plan it’s a good idea to remember that history would suggest reason isn’t going to have any effect on the witch burners. They can’t or won’t grasp the science of viral load, mutation or transmissibility and we’re wasting our time and energy trying to educate them.

These people live in fear and confusion and the only way to reach them is to make them suffer for not getting vaccinated. If you want a job then get a jab. It’s that simple. Nothing else is going to work because they’re incapable of logic and loathe to any change.

Because change is scary.

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