
Tucker Carlson had some nutbar on his show to discuss the apparent horror of the femininization of the American military. Tough guy guest had just proclaimed that the American military did not need women and gays, but did need alpha males who wanted to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls. Tucker happily agreed with his guest and then pivoted to criticizing Biden and the military leadership with this gem of a quote.

“That’s kind of what they’re saying,” Carlson said. “There’s a psychological term for this, and it escapes my memory at the moment, where there’s a massive real threat that you can’t deal with, so you scurry off and deal with imaginary threats to make yourself feel in control. That kind of feels like what we’re watching.”

I found Tuckers words stunningly absurd. Take my breath away stunningly absurd, to be more precise.

At the exact moment that Tucker was fixating on gays in the military, the United States was dealing with a January 6th commission, a resurgence of the Omnomnomnicron variant, the supreme court deciding if they’re really in charge of the county, a half dozen weather related catastrophes and the usual shootemup and anti-vax morons. Tucker had exactly zero concern for any of these events, and I find it amazing that he could make remarks about imaginary threats, without a small blood vessel bursting in his brain from the strain of holding in his hypocrisy.

I find it equally absurd that his audience doesn’t grasp that Tucker’s sneering accusation was an exact description of all of the Fox opinion hosts modus operandi. That realization sours any vestige of sweetness I might have had for any and all Tucker Carlson fans.

And by the way Tucker, the psychological term you’re looking for in this instance is called projection.

In case it escapes your memory at the moment.

I feel like life in North America has devolved into a political boxing ring, and I’m continuously bobbing and weaving to dodge a flurry of absurd hooks from the right, followed by a series of bizarre jabs from the left.

I suppose a person could come up with a lengthy list of reasons for the proliferation of idiots with audiences. Most if not all of those excuses for either left or right idiocy have been around forever, but for some reason we didn’t have to deal with anywhere near the level of absurdity that has become the new normal.

I think the blame for the uptick in right wing absurdity lands squarely on the shoulders of the Americans who voted for Fat Donny. I think that a person can safely say that a societal tipping point was breached when a majority of the voting populous determined that supporting a pathological liar was the best way to make America great again.

And Fat Donny is still out there selling his brand of pathology to his red hatters. Yesterday his travelling circus made a stop in Arizona where he proclaimed his crowd the largest ever, and then declared that with crowds this large that there’s no way he could have lost the election.

Estimates place the crowd size at fifteen thousand. But to be fair, Don has shown on a few occasions that he struggles with estimating the size of things.

Made me wonder if Donald had ever been to a Bruce Springsteen concert, because with that logic the Boss or Beyonce should be running the country.

And if you don’t agree that the fat man’s statements were absurd, then perhaps with a hypothetical question I can at least convince you that the audience was absurd.

And that question is.

Would you leave your children in the care of Flat earthers, lizard people believers, Qanon, or Mike the pillow guy?

Or would you consider that idea laughable?

What I saw wasn’t a political rally. It was bratapooloza. It was an event featuring America’s most spoiled brat entertaining an audience of spoiled brats. I can’t fathom how Arizona Republicans could stomach standing on the stage and participating in this childish madness. I also find it hard to believe that none of the political opportunists looked out over the crowd and saw fifteen thousand five year olds in the throes of a two year long tantrum.

Chanting lock Fauchi up, because he told them they had to go to their rooms.

Assuming there was in fact someone on that stage who had some maturity and lacked a mental illness, then I also wonder if that person looked over the throng of unmasked and unvaccinated and silently hoped that the vaccine they received in secret was going to protect them.

It’s probable that most of these right wing Trump fellators have quietly received the vaccines and booster. They’re not interested in putting their money where their mouth is though, because that would require honesty, and honesty doesn’t resonate with the brats.

So instead they put their mouths where the money is.

Kind of like Tucker.

However, Tucker didn’t go to desert Doncon. Tucker prefers a temperature controlled studio where everyone around him is vaccinated or tested every day by the corporation that employs him. Tuckers choice makes perfect sense to me by the way. Your mouth isn’t going to make you any money if you’re intubated.

Still, it seems to me that promoting vaccine hesitancy while being vaccinated appears absurd, and perhaps even a tad hypocritical. Fortunately for Tucker, it looks like he has natural immunity from prolonged exposure to hypocrisy and absurdity. Or, maybe his immunity is the herd variety that all the Trump devotee’s flaunt. Either way, he isn’t showing any symptoms of distress from his absurdity affliction.

But it’s not just Tucker and the Trumpers that wallow in the absurd. The far left provides all kinds of examples of bizarre behavior that fits into the absurdity spectrum as well.

At least in my opinion and I’ll elaborate another time.

However I’ll end with this thought. I think that main stream right wing commentators say things they shouldn’t and that makes them absurd. But I also believe that their counterparts on the left don’t say things that they should and that makes them equally absurd.

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