
Every single damn person on this planet is groomed. They’re groomed in schools and in churches and in mosques. They’re groomed by teachers and parents and coaches. Every waking moment of every day, the entire population of the planet is either grooming or being groomed.

So all of those assholes screaming that their children are being groomed by pedo’s really have no problem at all with grooming. They have a problem with who’s doing the grooming, because in this particular instance those same screaming assholes also believe that homosexuality can be taught to children.

But if there were any consistency or logic to their grooming animus, and by that I mean their fear of pedo’s, then they should be alarmed by the resurgence of the biggest and best groomers in the Western world making a comeback as American power brokers. Particularly since this comeback group also has a penchant for producing and protecting priestly pedo’s.

I’m talking about Christians in case anyone’s wondering.

American Christians to be precise. This sect of absurdity has made a few alterations to the Christianity handbook that reflect a distinct American flavor. Like the concept of prosperity preaching where they claim that the mega-church pastors wouldn’t be millionaires unless Jesus wanted them to be millionaires. That nuance aside, at it’s core it’s still the same old bullshit that the world has had to endure for millennia. Invisible sky being demands subservience through communication with earthly flesh portals. Portals who coincidentally get to make the rules for everyone else. Except the portals themselves, who oddly enough seem to have a fair amount of behavioral latitude when it comes to money and sins of the flesh.

But I suppose that a person shouldn’t be surprised by the hypocrisy of American Christians when it comes to the almighty and the almighty dollar. The Christian church has a lengthy history of tending to the poor with soup and bread, while the pope like portals park their righteous asses in their palaces and dine on pheasant. So to be fair, it could be argued that the Americans are simply honoring a time honored religious tradition of prosperous portals drawing their sustenance from pheasants and peasants.

So, lets assume that tax exempt collection plate capitalism is Canon law. Let’s also assume Jesus didn’t really mean his money changers, den of thieves speech and so the church gets a morality pass for being greedy fucks, This still leaves me with a question or two for the people that think having the church integrated into governing is a good idea.

Let’s start with unholy alliances.

Picture a proud boy flashing white supremacy signs while posing for a victory photo after ousting so called woke leftist members from a Florida school board. Standing next to that paragon of patriotism is a co-founder of mom’s for liberty, whose husband is the co-chair of the state Republican party.

And guess what?

Both liberty mom and prideful white boy are avowed Christians. In fact, the proud lad in question stated in a subsequent interview that it’s his mission to defend morality bestowed unto us by the creator, by fighting the evil of Antifa, BLM and leftist communist wokism.

Which makes me wonder how these Christians decide who gets invited to their parties. Maybe I’m missing something, but I was left with the distinct impression that Christianity was about love, peace and charity. But apparently I was misguided and the American version means embracing fat Donnie, Marge, white supremacists, and anyone who hates homo’s. In fact, the wave of loathing and hatred emanating from these Christians is so strong that a person could be excused for wondering if this is who they really are, and all the talk of peace and love is just a story they like to tell to promote their brand.

It’s an effective story though, because somehow they’ve maintained this illusion of beneficence even as they string up Salem witches or roll into your village on a Torquemada torture tour.

So, maybe, just maybe, the unholy alliance of Christians and the American far right is like an arranged marriage that everyone is secretly pleased with. Maybe there’s really no hypocrisy at all, and the need to hate and brutalize is just part of being religious.

Sometimes when I mention the above thought to Christians, they immediately get offended and tell me that I’m confusing Christianity with Islam. Christians aren’t beheading people or stoning women to death they say. I agree, and then point out to them that the only reason they aren’t burning witches and scarlet lettering bitches is because it’s against the fucking law.

Which leads me back to unholy alliances. Alliances that advocate for letting these people make the laws. History would suggest that this isn’t a great idea, but who knows? Maybe having Dunning Kruger religious zealots in charge will work out just fine. I mean it works just fine in Iran right? To be accurate I suppose that it won’t work out fine for everyone, but that’s the point isn’t it? The problem is in the mechanics. How do you justify a pogrom of Liberals that Fox news can justify as warranted and good for America? The answer is to brand the Libs as immoral commies and then Jesus is on your side.

I think that an alliance of evangelical Christians with the MAGA multitude is a recipe for disaster. I’m further inclined toward believing that terminating a democracy is a pretty steep price to pay so you don’t have to be afraid of books and a few drag queens. I could be wrong I guess, but after watching Marge and Loren I think that America is a better place with Lady Gaga as opposed to Lady MAGA.

I’ll give the Christians a bit of a break here and admit that not all of them are hypocrites and bigots. They have a few adherents that actually could be poster boys and girls for the ideals of peace and charity. But we rarely if ever hear from them. Instead we hear from an array of hateful fucks who prefer to brandish their Christianity like a weapon. A weapon to oppress, discriminate and dare I say it, cancel opposing points of view as unacceptably immoral.

These people are the mouthpieces of the unholy alliance. Con artists and liars who back in the day would have been labeled as false prophets by the very book they claim to represent. Fat Donny got the ball rolling by demonstrating that the key to lying in a public format was to provide a fabrication that pleased his audience. Once your elected misleader demonstrated that this behavior was acceptable then the floodgates opened, and now we’re up to our armpits in American public figures who can lie almost as well as the Russians.

Let us look to the book for guidance. Would you please turn the page to 2 Timothy 4:3.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

Sounds a lot like a MAGA rally or Fox news to me. Of course their own passions are primarily self enrichment. Sometimes they mix it up a bit with a touch of xenophobia or homophobia, but the best of them have found a way to monetize malice. And so they now have alethophobia to go with their prosophobia as a result of a profound case of chrometophobia.

I’m finding it difficult to imagine why the American voters would flock to listen to people that fear the truth and progress, much less elect the assholes to positions of power.

I can only speculate that the phobias mentioned above are not exclusive to the false prophets and are in fact endemic. I’m saddened by that conclusion because I’ve always nurtured this hope that the strength of our democracies was drawn from informed citizens who didn’t scare easily.

But it looks like misinformed recreants is a popular position to take these days.

God help us I guess.

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