
Well, America you’ve done it again and I’ve got to say I’m a little shocked. But credit where credit is due, and I’ll admit I was wrong as once again you’ve achieved something I was certain wasn’t possible.

I thought there would be a limit to how long an entire country would put up with being gaslighted, conned and deceived. I thought that eventually a reality check would occur, and people would see that the both sides do it argument isn’t a reasonable comparison. But I was wrong and it appears that the American people have a larger capacity for insanity than I’d anticipated.

I can’t understand how the hypocrisy on display daily by the conservative/maga mouthpieces isn’t received with insult bordering on anger. I just don’t fucking get it, and it’s scary and depressing in about equal measure. I mean come on America, it’s amazing that you haven’t had a collective moment of one of these things is not like the other.

Let’s look at J.D. and D. J. for a second. Both of them had the balls to stand in front of their fellow Americans and claim that the Liberals are dangerous with their rhetoric, and are responsible for inciting an assassination attempt on D. J.

I’m not American and I watched them and was utterly astounded. For starters both of the gunmen obviously had some issues, but I looked and was unable to find that either of them had a strong political affiliation. In fact the latest shooter who didn’t shoot voted for D.J. and I’m guessing that not many progressives cast their ballot for Donny. Apparently that detail didn’t matter to Trump or Vance though, who immediately blamed the Democrats for using words that incited a second amendment action.

And the childless cat lady, comrade Kamala, Taylor Swift hating, Haitian immigrant dining on pets , shut down ABC, jail their political opponents accusing motherfuckers did it with a straight face. And their rally lap dogs lapped it up without even a wince from the hypocrisy, or a second thought to the accuracy.

And so I’m wondering what to do with all those hatred lathering lapdogs. Because if D.J. loses then he’ll immediately scream fraud and encourage his dogs to misbehave, and anyone who believes otherwise hasn’t been listening to the man for the last eight years.

I suppose Kamala could see if Cesar Millan is available for a gigantic training session, but It’s likely that the dogs would object strongly to having behavior modification taught by a Mexican. I mean he’s actually a Mexican-American but his full name has Felipe and Favela in it so he’s probably there illegally. Good thing he lives in California because if he lived in Texas then he might have a Paxton police encounter.

Cesar aside, I’m predicting that regardless of how the election goes that America is going to continue to have to deal with a lapdog problem.

Essentially D.J. and J. D. and their minions have decided that fact checking is a tool that the Communist, Marxist, Fascist democrats use to incite a shooter, or to rig a debate. In fact the rhetoric tag they throw at their opponents suggests obvious and intentional exaggeration, but the reality is that what the leftists are doing is taking actual D.J. and J.D. speeches and applying a what the fuck did he just say question mark at the end. Maga hates that and D.J. appears to be offended with the concept of his genius being questioned.

MAGA want their opponents to somehow be disallowed from telling America that D.J. and a few Laura’s are full of shit.

When the MAGA’s spout every kind of vile ism then that’s a free speech right. But if anyone points out that what they’re saying is repulsive and untrue. then that’s radical left, enemy of the people incitement.

So, that free speech thing they keep talking about needs an amendment to the amendment. An amendment that reads something to the effect of, we can free style bullshit, but if anyone calls us on our bullshit, then that’s treason.

And I’ve gotta tell you America, I find it astonishing that a candidate for president has a primary policy of truth denial, and about half the country is O.K. with that. What’s really weird about it is the mass delusion where it doesn’t seem to matter what D.J. says or does. He’s still their choice for making trade decisions and representing America to the rest of the world. Meanwhile the fucking guy can’t understand what a tariff is, has threatened to jail pretty much anyone that said anything about him that wasn’t a compliment, and lies with abandon while selling signature sneakers and bibles.

Bibles that he’s autographed, because Jesus is big yeah, but how about a Trump signature?

I keep waiting for America to realize that D.J. is just a medicine show carpetbagger, and run him and his wagon full of snake oil miracle cures the fuck out of town.

But, that’s not happening, and I can’t grasp enough of the American mentality to understand what’s appealing about an eighty year old rich guy standing at an event and lying to you for a couple of hours.

Assuming that he’s managed to put together a sentence that even makes sense. Because I’ve got to say that if slow Joe had even a momentary lapse of lucidity, the late night Foxholes were all over it like proud boys on an Islamic lesbian. But D.J. can riff about sharks, Hannibal Lecter, cancer causing windmills, and make up troves of non-sensical bullshit about Kamala, and the foxholes won’t even acknowledge that what he’s saying is not just a tad weird, but actually batshit crazy.

I get why Greg and Sean and Laura and Jesse behave the way thy do. They get paid to entertain a particular audience, and they know what plays well to that audience. Integrity doesn’t matter to them as long as they get paid and have enough cash to not live in the middle of the people they entertain.

But what does an average Trump voter expect to get from another term as president?

Lately D.J’s new schtick is tax cuts for everyone. He’s like white Oprah once he saw that Kamala’s tax cut to the middle class proposal got some traction. You get a tax cut and you get a tax cut, everybody gets a tax cut, and tariffs are going to pay for it the same way Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

So, I guess that some of his followers believe a tax cut is coming their way. But his fans have been around before this latest promise, so there’s got to be something else that resonates with the base.

It seems to me that someone on the left needs to figure this shit out and do one of two things. Either educate the base to a different way of thinking, or accept that they have some legitimate concerns.

I can’t see that happening with Kamala though. She’s brown and she’s a she. Two things that MAGA has a problem with. Unless of course you’re a hateful snarly bitch, in which case it seems MAGA has a seat for you at the table.

The problem is that Kamala and her ilk are promising America more. MAGA seems intent on wanting less. Not necessarily for them, but certainly for others that don’t fit their demographic, and Kamala’s more scares the shit out of the base.

So that’s the decision America is going to make in a couple of months. More or less regulation is what it’s all about. Regulation that will decide if there’s less or more bodily autonomy for women. Less or more brown immigrants. Less or more corporate governance. Less or more assault rifles and associated mass shootings. Less or more tax cuts for the super wealthy. Less or more church in schools and government and less or more uncloseted gay people.

I’m not sure how it’s going to work out, but it sure would be nice to see less hostility and more civility.

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