Movies And Lists

We have Apple t.v. and it comes with the rotten tomato’s rating system. The critics are so called professionals and then they have another section for average Josephine reviews.

I’ve got to say that both groups are pretty freaking unreliable. The pro’s go on about ambience and messaging and the Josephine’s look to be comprised of about eighty percent fanboys and girls that mentally masturbate to a particular actor or actress for around two hours. Plot and drama appear to be secondary and their fawning adoration doesn’t make for a useable review.

So. I’m going to recommend a few movies that bear my stamp of approval. I don’t see why not in an age where everyone is a critic.

  1. Attack The Block
  2. The Dressmaker
  3. Winters Bone
  4. A Little Chaos
  5. Bad Times At The El Royale
  6. Kingdom Of Heaven
  7. The Big Lebowski
  8. Treasure Of The Sierra Madre
  9. Sleeper
  10. The Life Of Brian
  11. Schindlers List
  12. Saving Private Ryan
  13. 2001 A Space Odyssey
  14. Saint Vincent
  15. The Sting
  16. Pans’ Labyrinth
  17. Alien
  18. Pulp Fiction
  19. Reservoir Dogs
  20. And Now For Something Completely Different
  21. Venom
  22. The Bourne Identity (assuming that was the first one)
  23. John Wick and Jack Reacher and The Equalizer (just the first ones)
  24. Napoleon Dynamite
  25. The Silence Of The Lambs
  26. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
  27. The Matrix
  28. Full Metal Jacket
  29. Platoon
  30. Apocalypse Now
  31. Up
  32. Groundhog Day
  33. The Holy Grail
  34. Fargo
  35. No Country For Old Men
  36. Burn After Reading
  37. O Brother Where Art Thou?
  38. Zombieland
  39. We were Soldiers
  40. Leon
  41. Little Miss Sunshine
  42. The Thirteenth Warrior
  43. Animal House
  44. The second Terminator
  45. The Fade
  46. Saving Private Ryan
  47. Unforgiven
  48. The Blues Brothers
  49. M.A.S.H.
  50. Three Days In The Valley

Just my take on cinema. Some of these suggestions need a viewer to be in the right kind of mood. There are a couple on the list that are in black and white and one or two might seem a tad odd.

But any review is really a review of the critic as well as the movie. You can probably make a few assumptions about a person from lists they make. I think as an exercise, I’m going to make a list of 50 people I’d like to see on a plane that exploded mid air.

Maybe like is a little too strong. I think I’ll approach the exploding plane list from an angle that has me forced to select fifty passengers. If I don’t select fifty then some all powerful villain is going to nuke Ottawa.

I think the list would provide some insights into my personality because I wouldn’t be impartial. I’m thinking that I wouldn’t bother trying to be equal in terms of skin color and gender. I’d be looking for the fifty biggest assholes on the planet regardless of their sex or epidermal hue.

It wouldn’t be that hard to come up with fifty asses to plunk in the airplane seats. I mean, you’d have some soul searching to do and some guilt to deal with, but fifty people is a small percentage of the potential candidates for those seats. The hard part would be getting your selections down to fifty. Maybe you could ask the villain if it’s ok to have some people sit in the aisle.

But I was talking about the list revealing the list maker. If we had fifty villain’s and fifty planes it’s a given that all fifty lists would be different. Perspective, location, religion, politics and personal prejudice would all be a factor in the selections for the list. And, as I said earlier I think those choices would tell you a great deal about yourself.

So, I think I’m going to give it a shot.

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