Dancing Women

Have you ever noticed there’s a direct correlation between religion and dancing women? More religion means less dancing women. I’ll guess that the reasoning for dancing bans has something to do with temptation and lascivious behavior. We needed to protect males who were unable to control themselves if a female form bobs, weaves or heaven forbid, gyrates to music.

So, logically you make a rule to stop the bitches from dancing.

So what if you applied that logic to property theft? Is it logical to assume that the display of tempting items in your store window is cause for theft? It’s your fault if some dude smashes the window and takes the attractive things. They shouldn’t be displayed so brazenly. Also, there was music playing.

Oddly enough, there are still dancing bans on the books all over North America and the rest of the West. Not surprisingly, those bans were primarily for religious holidays. Most have been repealed and the rest get ignored but their existence is a reminder of just how recently we decided to give our heads a shake and allow an ass to shake.

It looks to me as if women like dancing more than men. For sure more than white men. If I’m at an event that involves music and dancing I have yet to see a group of just guys dancing together. I know that gay men dance together and I also get it that some men do like to dance. But women like it more.

I’m male and I know this next statement is sort of sexist but fuck it, I’m on a roll. I think women are better at dancing than men. Maybe it has something to do with the female center of gravity and hip and boob placement, but women seem better designed to dance than men. I do recognise that some guys are good dancers but I much prefer to watch women.

I think it’s the hips. Women are better at swivelling and so they incorporate more moves that are visually appealing. More fluid and graceful if that makes sense? So, the desire to dance is seemingly stronger in women. Not sure why and don’t really give much of a fuck. Maybe women experience dance more from a sensual perspective than men do. It’s kinda like an expression of sexuality, only without the condoms.

Maybe that’s what freaked out the church dicks. Dancing leads to sex, and they might not be married.

But women also practice dancing more than men. All of my male friends have taken firearm safety instruction. None of my male friends have taken dance instruction. Both my wife and daughter have signed up for jazz and aerobic dance classes. There was no requirement for them to take these classes. At the end of the sessions they didn’t get a boating certificate or a restricted firearm license. They were in better shape and they got to buy dancing clothes and shoes, but I always contended the exercise could just as easily occur if they shoveled snow or mowed the grass. Their response was that I play sports and they dance. Fuck off and stop judging us. We like dancing.

There were zero guys in their classes.

So, that’s part of the reason that the dance floor is full of women. Most of them have taken classes at some point in their life. Also, the all girl dance floor has solved a couple of problems in my opinion. Now, guys who would rather not dance don’t feel obliged. And the women don’t have to suffer through an unenthusiastic dance partner painfully trying to exhibit some semblance of rhythm for three minutes. Also, the women don’t have to ask or be asked to dance. It’s their call.

It’s a win, win in my opinion. No one is obliged to dance and the only people on the floor are the people that want to be there.

When I’m out and watching the girls dance I always look for patterns. I’m checking to see how many of them have taken the same lessons and if there’s any chance they’re going to morph into a choreographed flash mob.

Because if you’ve ever watched any of those flash mob dance video’s then you’ve had to notice that about ninety percent of the participants are female. Big, little, young, old, Asian, Black, White, Brown, it doesn’t seem to matter. And they took the time to practice, which is fucking amazing to me.

There are dancing women everywhere. Ellen dances. Oprah dances. Every concert is full of dancing females. Girls dance at pretty much every opportunity that presents itself. Interludes in football, hockey, basketball and baseball games see the big screen lit up with dancing girls, moms and grannies. Cheerleaders don’t cheer. They dance. Hell. I bet you that Michelle Obama can dance and it wouldn’t surprise me if Melania busts loose a few Slavic moves when she manages to escape to New York.

I can’t picture dancing Donnie. Well, to be honest I can visualize a Dancing Donnie, but it’s a Darko image. I’d rather watch Melania. Odds are she’d practice instead of relying on her instincts. Also, Melania has a much more aesthetic shape than her husband.

I just typed, Melania modelling into Google images. There were no pictures of her dancing. However, my assumption that she’s well sculpted was correct. So, yeah, I’m comfortable with my preference to watch Melania dance as opposed to the Don.

So, I mentioned practicing a few times. Any practice of any activity is meant to improve your skills. If you practice shooting you become a more lethal hunter. If you practice dancing then you get better and I guess that’s good but is there any other reason for the dance classes?


People are watching and dancing is a public display. I’m not entirely sure what message being a good dancer is meant to deliver but I believe that the act of dancing is a public statement. What that statement is exactly is up for debate. It could be an expression of rhythm and dexterity mixed with a dash of choreography and artistic expression. It could be just letting loose and being creative to music. It could be and is often subtly and sometimes overtly sexual. But it’s better in public and it’s better when almost everyone else is dancing too.

I agree that there’s something oddly powerful about a large group of people executing the same dance moves. The larger the group the more impressive the impression on the audience. Think Irish River Dance or the ballet. Then ask yourself if at some point in your life a friend or companion has suggested paying money for tickets to watch people dance.

I wager the person doing the asking was female.

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