Humor and Judgement

I judge people by what makes them laugh. I think that a similar sense of humor can make up for a shitpile of differences people might have that would make them otherwise incompatible.

Granted, humor appreciation as a tool of judgement isn’t perfect. My wife is sometimes appalled by an event that I find hilarious and we still manage to get along reasonably well. Here’s an example. We were at an amusement park. This large lady was standing about ten meters away from us. She was wearing a kind of cream colored pair of leggings. At first glance I thought she’d sat in something, but as we got nearer to her it became clear that the large brown stain she was sporting was inside her leggings and centered around the exit point of her voluminous ass. It looked like she’d sat on a pancake before she got dressed for Disney. I speak of the pancake lady from time to time and my wife still doesn’t see any humor in that epic Epcot moment.

My wife felt sorry for white Aunt Jemima and I didn’t. This woman was a normal looking, walking, talking person, and she had company with her, so it wasn’t like she was lost after escaping from a care home. She was ordering kids around and doing regular mom stuff and she was unaware that she’d shit herself. I found that amusing, and my wife did not.

However, we both agreed that we didn’t want to share a roller coaster car with her.

If I were to attend a political rally and was offered an opportunity to ask a question of a candidate, I might break with the typical policy questions and ask what the candidate found humorous. What makes them laugh?

I’ve wondered on occasion what Putin or Trump or Trudeau or Sheer would find funny. I’ve also wondered if any of them could be honest if they were posed the question.

Probably not.

Someone would undoubtedly be offended and the aspiring politician would get shamed in public for thinking something was amusing. Although, to be accurate, it appears that neither Vlad nor Don really give too much of a fuck what people think of their behaviour. Don’s just happy if everyone’s paying attention to him, and Vlad’s opponents know not to judge the neo-czar too harshly or they’ll end up mystery whacked. Don is lacking whacking power at the moment.

But, imagine a Trump family dinner. Everyone’s there. Tiny Don the mentally disabled child. The feckless one, Eric the chinless and Tiffany the irrelevant. I think squinting Melody and Robber Baron get to sit at the big table but I’m not sure. They may have to sit at the little table with Hannity and a handful of white nationalists and hookers. And why the fuck does Melody always look like she’s trying to read an eye chart?


Everyone has their burgers and coke. Ice Ice Baby is playing in the background and it’s time for some dialogue. What do they talk about, and more importantly, what do they laugh about in the privacy of their white home?

I’m struggling here. I have no idea what would make them laugh. I’m guessing that no one brings up the latest Saturday Night Live skit, and it’s a pretty good bet that there’s no humor involved if they’re talking about any late night host. So I’m kind of strumped about what constitutes humor at this family gathering.

Maybe someone starts the levity by asking if everyone’s done their taxes. That would loosen things up with an outburst of raucous laughter. Then they could tell a couple of Mexican jokes followed by having a giggle at the emoluments clause.

It’s hard to imagine what the Trump family would find funny. Each time I try to envision the current first family having a mirthful moment I always land on them making fun of someone. Third grade playground humor. Bully humor.

Could be that laughing all the way to the Deutsche bank suffices.

And what about Justin?

After a long day of feminism, does he go home and laugh his ass off at YouTube videos’ of women getting punched in the face? Maybe, if he could find punched faces that look like Jody or Jane. I doubt it though because it’s looking more and more like the last four years have pretty much drained the Trudeau humor pool.

Plus if he got caught on the YouTube then he’d have to fucking apologise again. I’m pretty tired of Justin apologising. Although I guess it’s refreshing to hear an apology from the Prime Minister for something that’s occurred recently, and not fifty or a hundred years ago.

You just have to let some of that shit go Justin. Because once the apology is proffered from the Prime Minister, then the gears of compensation start to grind and I’m tired of perpetually paying for hundred year old fuck ups.

And then there’s Vlad. I’m at a bit of a disadvantage because I don’t know what Russians find funny. Annexing Crimea and fucking with elections might provide a Russian rib tickle but only for the elite. Russian elite by the way, means whoever has managed to steal the most and stay the fuck out of a gulag. Your average Russian seems to like vodka and dashcam accidents so I guess that’s a little more relatable.

But Vlad?

Who the fuck knows. I always envision Vlad with one of those diabolical villain laughs. Kind of a Vincent Price thing from the opening for Thriller as the Vlad chortles over destabilizing another Western election. I think Vlad laughs at America though. I think he laughs at the discord and the division that he helped sow, and I think that he finds it even funnier that for some reason he seems to have gotten away with it.

I wonder how the American senate and the rest of the voting Republicans would respond if a 400 page special report showed that the Russians had intervened on behalf of a so called socialist candidate with a green plan?

I’m guessing that Fox might have a different opinion that they do at the moment.


I was trying to talk about humor and the saturation of American political insanity leaked into the page.

Sorry, from me and Justin.

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