Deep State

Yes, the deep state exists. In fact, there are probably hundreds of versions of deep states. I try not to, but on occasion I frequent one deep state or another. Which of the states of deep is entirely dependent on circumstances of the moment.

For example, if I watch or read the news I usually end up in a deep state of exasperation. I arrive at that particular state as a result of being bombarded by people whose opinions would suggest they are in a deep state of delusion.

Exasperation is a blend of annoyance and anger, and is a terrible state of mind because it’s usually destructive, and seemingly justified. Personally justified, just to be clear. Its frustrating. not just because of the personal pique, but also because the anger isn’t necessarily shared by everyone else. In fact, the aggravation I’m feeling is undoubtedly caused by people who can’t or won’t align themselves to my way of thinking,

Deep state exasperation is worse. Deep state exasperation is a blend of irritation and rage, and is a common state of mind in church shootings and Fox opinion segments.

So, having said that, I shall remain exasperated, but endeavor to avoid deep state exasperation.

I was thinking that some deep states might be positive, desirable even. Like a deep state of concentration or a deep state of euphoria. But, after some consideration, I’ve decided that all states described as deep are problematic. A deep state of concentration means that you’ve become oblivious to the world around you, and so while you’re micro-focused on beating the next level of PlayStation you’re unaware that your house is on fire.

So, generally speaking it’s a bad idea to be so deeply focused, that games are as important as flames.

Similarly, a deep state of adoration is a bus ride away from stalking, and a deep state of the aforementioned euphoria is a precursor to an EMT administering Narcan.

A deep state of depression or paranoia is rarely a good thing, and generally warrants some medical or law enforcement participation in your life. Sometimes you begin this deep state adventure with the police and finish with the medics.

It appears that the medical services are a common thread whenever people populate a deep state.

So, let’s look at the deep state as described by Don Squirreleone. At first the bully pulpit simpleton asserted that only democrat holdovers from Obama were the deep state. This theory has evolved to the deep state now being composed of anyone who objects or points out his idiocy and criminality.

I draw my conclusions regarding the evolution of deep state theory from talking points supplied by Don Squirreleone and the rest of his family. In this case the family I’m referencing includes but isn’t limited to, Kelly-Anne and Tucker, Laura and Sean, Lindsay and Devin, and Billy Barr and wee Don. There are more but the sample provided should give a fairly accurate description of the substance of the talkers.

Initially, the deep state conspiracy proposed that a small but select group of bureaucrats quietly ran the country while at the same time remaining anonymous. However, with each unhinged twitter vowel movement from the demander and thief, the list of deep state conspirators grows.

The spectacle used to be jaw dropping and bizarre. Now it’s an everyday occurrence. Each day the ranks of traitors swells as diplomats, armed forces members, judges and mayors across America are accused of being never-trumper traitors. Deep state swamp denizens that Don promised his votary he would cast out.

So. I was confused. How can the deep state also be a popular state? How does a typical Don supporter justify the growth of the deep state membership? Who do these deep state operatives answer to?

So, I decided to go to the comment sections of news sites frequented by don’s congregation. The visit was painful, but I was able to detect a pattern so I guess the pain generated some gain. What I discovered was that die hard Trumpians interchanged the word elite’s with the term deep state.

As an example. One contributor on the site said that Trump was booed at the baseball game in Washington because the seats were all filled with the elites. Clearly, she opined, the elites are the only ones that can afford to pay for the seats.

So, elites and the deep state are one in the same and I was intrigued. Apparently the deep state anonymous work for and answer to an equally anonymous cabal of the elite. I then wondered what made a Trump person label someone an elite.

After some more comment research I reached a couple of conclusions.

You’re an elite if you’re educated. You’re an elite if you speak well. You’re an elite if you have old money. You’re an elite if you’re from California. You’re an elite if you work for MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Politico, The New York Times, The Daily Beast. or any other fake news organization. You’re an elite if you’re a late night television host.

You’re an elite if in any way, shape or form you’re better than me.

So, I concluded that Trump supporters exist in a deep state of their own. A deep state of resentment. I’m comfortable asserting that these people have a history all the way back to grade school of initiating fights with an accusation hurled at their foe that went something to the effect of, you think you’re pretty smart dontcha?

I think that’s the base in a nutshell.

And the entire premise is fucking insane. Imagine that an IQ test is required for any position of leadership, governing or otherwise. If you score over 110 on that test then you’re automatically out because you’re an elite and probably think you’re smart. Sorry, you’re not the candidate we’re looking for. We prefer an idiot that at no point in time will ever elucidate our own inadequacies. Because that makes us feel bad.

Sounds to me like a deep state of stupid and I’ve got to say, Don is the perfect poster boy for the movement.

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