
Do you ever experience moments where your perspective tilts? One second you’re perfectly comfortable and your world is in some relative semblance of order, and then BAM, something or someone alters your frame of reference.

I’m not talking about a car accident or a tumor. Although those type of events are certainly capable of altering a persons world, they differ from your run of the mill tilt in that they provide an upending of normal where all things are changed. A perspective change is an inevitable part of the package if you’re dealing with chemo or a windshield induced head injury. However, what I’m talking about is a change in mindset without trauma drama.

An example.

Last night I was reading a variety of news sites from across the opinion spectrum. I was searching for Wuhan Kung flu stories. I concluded that as long as Emperor Jinping remains in charge, then any and all data will be sanitized. I further concluded that the Emperor and his minions have made it impossible to know with any certainty the right statistics as far as exposure, infection and deaths are concerned.

Why the data is manipulated then became the question of the day. It could be that China like pretty much every other country, is loathe to have the noses of the world intruding into their business. But the snippets of information and opinion I managed to Google left me with a dangling conspiracy theory that I can’t shake.

I’ve been somewhat tilted you could say.

If you were the Emperor then I think it’s fair to conclude that the Hong Kong protests were getting a tad tiresome. Those unruly peasants were like a cancer spreading the idea of freedom and public protest to the population in general. Although unleashing the military is a tempting idea, the Emperor is aware that a Tianamen repeat is bad P.R. and might even backfire and impel the rest of China to take to the streets as well. So, how do you get people to stay home and stop protesting?

Covid-19 might be an option. The Corona virus itself is already available in the lab. For sake of clarity I should mention that a bio-chem lab that calls Wuhan home is more internet bullshit. The actual bio-tech company that has an umbrella logo was located in Shanghai and has been out of business for some time now. Anyway, if a mutated version of corona- virus were to be released then two things happen that enable the Emperor. The first is that people stay home, and the second is that you have the perfect excuse to make them if they don’t. At the moment, no one is protesting in Hong Kong, so one problem has been solved.

Killing people with the flu seems kind of cold hearted, but in Mao terms it’s more of a misdemeanor than a genocide. If you’re doing the math then if a million Chinese people perish then you’ve still got 3,399 million Chinese people left just in China proper. A million dead Chinese is barely a dent in those kind of numbers. I’m not even sure that there would be any noticeable abatement in traffic. And, you’re not even counting Hong Kong or Vancouver. Speaking of Vancouver, Meng Wanzhou has stayed pretty quiet these days about being released from her house arrest and returning to China. I guess she’d rather do things her way and not the Huawei.


I remain dubious that any Emperor would release a pandemic on the world just to remain the Emperor. But, I’ve been slightly tilted by the prospect becoming plausible . Not probable but plausible.

I remain tilted because of Mr. Trump. Until this man became President Evil I had never been exposed to a boss hog type so willing to abuse his authority. Having the man next door has altered my perspective on what lengths a maniac will go to stay in charge. Don has already said he thinks he should be able to stay in the Blanco house for a lifetime and then hand the reigns to little Donny in dynasty style. So, I remain somewhat tilted because I envision Dons possibilities if he had the same authority as the Chinese emperor. It makes me wonder if Donny would be more than happy to release a virus into the blue states prior to an election. Beginning with California. At a minimum he could claim credit for cleaning up the homeless problem in the Golden State, and if needed he could impose martial law on the entire state and suspend voting for public health reasons. Also, he could blame the outbreak on immigrants in the sanctuary cities. I guess an American lab would have to come up with a lethal Rubeola and rename it the Mexican measles. Not probable, but as the man continues to wipe his ass with the American constitution and demonstrate repeatedly that he’s above the law, then I tilt somewhat and start to think about plausible.

So, I’m thinking that I’m more susceptible to being tilted these days. More inclined to believe that if asshattery is conceivable, then it’s got a chance of being actual.


It’s not a great sensation.

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