
From space, the planet we call home is primarily blue and green, with a smattering of brown and white thrown in for some variety. The colors of the planet aren’t random. They’re the result of our proximity to the sun, the fact we have a moon and water, and a number of other set in stone parameters. Like a molten core and other characteristics of our rock.

As a result, the terms and conditions of Terra are black and white. Gravity functions, the air is breathable, vegetation grows, it rains occasionally, and we spin around at a constant speed so we know what a day looks like.

Because these constants are black and white, we can calculate and measure with some confidence that our physical world will react and behave with predictability.

Except volcano’s and earthquakes. Those pricks remain elusively unpredictable. But I’m pretty sure that the seemingly erratic nature of earthquakes is a fault in our science as much as it is a fault at San Andreas.

But people aren’t black and white. Some people claim to be noir et blanc but they’re deceiving themselves. The reality is that every person is a shade of grey. Some people are sharp grey and some are dull grey. Some are steel gris and some are slate grau but everyone has a tinge of nezumiiro.

But. you know what?

It’s o.k. to be grey. In fact, we need to learn to embrace our greyness. We need to have some grey pride and maybe even a grey parade. But we don’t because the black and white people hate that shit. They want the grey closeted and would much prefer that being grey was illegal or at the very least immoral.

Come to think of it, most of our institutions are designed to beat the greyness out of people. Regardless of the beatings, over the last few decades there seems to be some sense that being grey isn’t a terrible thing. As a result greyness has crept into our schools and workplaces, and we’re beginning to see idea’s and innovations that challenge the black and white congregation.

It’s no coincidence that priests and nuns favor black and white attire. They’ve extended their personal belief systems all the way down to their clothing choices. It’s a statement of sorts I guess. A statement demanding compliance reflected in a robe or vestment. Religion hates grey people. They ask too many questions and their grey idea’s seep into the black and white realm and totally fuck up the color scheme.

It’s also no coincidence that the people who most passionately combat the grey are the ones who benefit the most in a black and white world. Women in the workplace is a good example. The aswad and abyadh of Islam still cling tightly to the concept of no ramaadiy with women, but the West had a problem called world war one and world war two. So, while all the men were in Europe doing black and white soldiering shit, the women greyed up the workplaces because someone had to assemble tanks and B-29’s. Once the ladies got a taste of servitude that they got paid for the grey couldn’t be bleached out of their psyche.

To be fair, the factories and offices of the West did their damnedest to return to a black and white boys club, but it was too late. The grey ladies had arrived and all the institutional resistance couldn’t return Pandora to her box.

So, we have a constant battle of black and white versus grey, and it exists every moment in every aspect of our lives. The grey people call it a variety of names. Names like progress, evolution and equality. The black and white people give it other names like liberalism, socialism or heathenism. Regardless of what it’s called its real name is change.

And it appears that people are wary and maybe even illogically scared of the change that grey represents.

Which explains the make America great again crowd. They want a black and white world where they benefit the most from the lack of grey. Most of these people don’t seem to realize that they don’t really benefit all that much from the current set up. They also don’t seem to comprehend that agreeing to belong to the black and whites means they’ve also agreed to be intellectually shackled and silenced.

But they find it preferable to having to look into their hearts and acknowledge that there’s a touch of grey hidden away in all that darkness.

But is it possible that we can have too much grey?

Yes it most certainly is possible. Too much grey and we lose clarity and everything becomes blurry and out of focus. All kinds of people hate that shit, and so while we need to accept and embrace the grey, we also need to understand that all of the black and white people aren’t completely irrational.

Some of them are, but not all of them.

If we manage the infusion of grey into our lives with some sensibility then the change is barely discernible. But humanity as a rule isn’t very adept at sensibility, and so we find ourselves locked in a perpetual battle to impose a color scheme on our opponents.

Our color scheme.

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