Well, That’s Irrational

I watched the American news again. I’m not sure why, but the viewing led me to debate if listening to idiocy on a daily basis is good for me or not. I should clarify that the actual news isn’t a problem. Facts aren’t in and of themselves idiotic. The people who interpret those facts are another matter altogether. Idiocy abounds when you have to clarify that your newscasters are in disguise, and the network they call home feels the need to run a quick disclaimer that points out these people are providing opinion as opposed to facts.

I think that if you watch enough of the news, that eventually you become susceptible to a transformative event. I think that sooner or later a light begins to flash in your brain, much like the warning you receive from your vehicle. Both lights are strongly suggesting you stop what you’re doing and seek a moment of maintenance. In the case of your car, the light usually indicates a specific problem like a low tire or worn brake pads. The light flashing in your head is much less specific.

I believe the light is telling you that you’ve been exposed to too much irrationality. In a way, this light is like radiation. Once you’ve been exposed to enough thorium or uranium you become radioactive. So, it appears to me that enough exposure to irrationality makes you irrational.

Maybe radiation exposure and irrationality are a cause and effect scenario. Maybe the continuous low level exposure from cell phones, microwaves, blue tooth, routers, televisions and computers are slowly degrading our DNA and that degradation presents as irrationality. The 5G towers spreading covid believers would probably think this is entirely plausible.


Maybe the content of television, mobile devices and computers are the culprit, and low level radiation contamination pales in comparison to the damage from a ceaseless bombardment of stupidity.

So, is it possible that if you consume enough shit that you become what you’ve consumed? I think it’s entirely possible and very likely probable. You are what you eat isn’t literal in that a person doesn’t turn into a pizza after you leave Domino’s, but I think that the information you ingest does literally transform you.

And we imbibe in irrationality with impunity, because we’re certain of our immunity. That’s the same scenario that leads to alcoholism or a narcotics addiction, and irrationality sneaks up on you just like meth and Merlot. We’re going to need treatment centers to deal with this plague of irrationality, but before the beds start to fill we’re also going to need a program where the first step is the realization that you have a problem. A two O’clock in the morning epiphany that yes, you’re an irrationalholic.

I predict that people will go to great lengths to mask and deny that they’re irrationalholics. Some of those people might even be highly functioning irrationalholics. They might even be government officials or media personalities or priests or presidents.

I suggest a simple procedure for self -diagnosis to determine if you’re an irrationalholic. Take a look back at some of the decisions you’ve made in the last few years. If you start to see a pattern where even you have to admit that, well, that was irrational, then you might be on the path to recovery. I’ll provide a historical example. Say that in the fifties you were one of those people photographed whose face was twisted into a mix of rage and hatred as you were screaming at the black girl that the army had to escort to your school. If you saw that picture ten years later and felt zero shame, then you’re probably beyond help. Your condition is permanent and the inability to critique your past decisions means you’re not ready for the treatment centers. You’re not ready because you’re still in a state of denial. By the way, this is the deep state that you need to worry about if you’ve decided to worry yourself about deep states.

Just sayin…

How about a more contemporary example?

Perhaps in a year or two you’re going to look back and remember that you decided that not wearing a face mask during a pandemic was a good idea. Fuck the science, only snowflakes and libtards wear face masks. I can’t breathe, it’s communism, I’m being repressed, my rights, my rights. I’m going to make a scene in Walmart and wear a Nazi mask and somehow turn a simple fucking gesture of hygienic common sense into a Biden vote means a fascist state.

One of those fucktards.

Because I’ve got to say that the Minnesota Walmart display was as red a flag for irrationalholicism as I’ve ever seen, and my best guess is that those particular people are beyond redemption. Incorrigible mixed with stupid is preordained to eventually produce a result that’s just damn ugly to watch, and America is presently awash in examples.

But not everyone is as far gone as the Minnesota morons. There’s still hope for many Americans suffering from the perils of irrationalholicism, but they’ve got to see the light first. In order to see the light though, you have to make a commitment to come out from the dark side. So. if you’re watching the news and that news is pedaling hate and division and fear then you’re not doing yourself any favors for emerging into the light anytime soon.

Turn that shit off every now and then. Calm yourself and take a break. Then take that first brave step and try and listen to an opposing opinion. Remain calm and ask yourself if the opposing opinion has any merit like data or common sense.

Then, go back to your preferred news or party affiliation or religious leader and ask yourself a question. Ask yourself if the people you follow and vote for show any signs of irrationalholicism. Do this honestly and you’re on your way to a new life.

Or you can choose to remain perpetually irrational. But I’ve got to say that I think it’s a criminal waste of the time you’ve been allotted on this planet.

The trek toward light has one and maybe two assumptive qualifications in my estimation. In order to begin your journey it’s necessary that you’re not a complete and utter idiot. It may also be necessary that you’re not presently suffering from a psychological ailment.

So assuming that you’re not a psychotic or an imbecile then it’s possible for you to shake off the burden of irrationalholicism and take that first step.

Hopefully the treatment centers will be staffed and waiting for your arrival.

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