
I’ve been reading Tesla quotes recently. It’s funny how when I immerse myself in an era other than my own that I begin to form sentences akin to those who populated that era. It’s like acquiring a Southern drawl after a lengthy stay in Savanna, only it happens to me much quicker with written words than it would with audible dialect.

It makes me fond of words like accursed. I think though that I’ve always possessed a fondness for words, and a glimpse into a bygone era simply provides another method for arranging my thoughts. Having said that, I do believe that language used to possess more nobility. We made an effort to compose our words instead of compress them, so that the delivery of a thought became nearly as important as the thought itself.

Nicola Tesla arranged his words so they appeared as a composition. A scientist who spent as much effort constructing his communication as he did his inventions.

No youse guys, no I seen, no irregardless.

I was left with two other realizations from my brief sojourn into Tesla territory. The first of these isn’t new to me. Whenever I immerse myself into the works of the planets philosophers and inventors I always come away with a deep sense of frustration. A realization that I’m just barely clever enough to grasp how little I know. It’s like sitting next to da Vinci, brush in hand and moving that brush over canvass in a replication of his movements and having my result look like a child’s drawing next to the masters. It’s disheartening because I had the same tools, but the end result is as described. A childs work next to a masters.

It’s fucking annoying.

The second realization was that Nicola was religious. I have to admit that this surprised me. He was raised that way and so I suppose a person has to account for early indoctrination. But even with a scientific mind as capable as his, he continuously intertwined science and religion to the point that I was left with the impression he didn’t distinguish between the two.

An example.

“Death does not exist, and with that very knowledge, the fear of it disappears. And remember: no man who existed died. They turned into light and as such still exist. The secret is that these light particles return to original state. Return to one of the previous energies. Christ and some others knew this secret. I was searching for how to preserve human energy. It is one of the forms of light. In the Soul sometimes equal to the supreme celestial light. I did not search for it for myself, but for the good of all. I believe that my discovery will make people’s lives easier and more bearable and direct them to spirituality and morality.”

Nicola Tesla

I’ve heard this idea a number of times in my life. Usually it’s summed up as energy cannot be created or destroyed. It’s a poor man’s answer to religion I suppose. Kind of like claiming to be spiritual but not religious, which regardless of the scorn heaped upon it by the fervent and the cynical, is in my estimation an entirely acceptable manner of thinking.

But Nicola’s quote sent me in another direction. I concentrated on two thoughts from the quote. The first is the return to original state, and the second is his idea that there are many original states or previous energies. These words made me envision a neighborhood at night. Each porch and street light a version of the original state. This is our universe. If you expand your field of vision to include all of the lighted neighborhoods of a city, then that is our multiverse.

Each religion of earth is one of those neighborhood porch lights. If you align your mental state to a belief in a particular light then you will be attracted to that light when you depart from your current physical form. So there’s a Christian light and next door is a Muslim light. Further on down the block are the Odin, Zeus, and Pagan lights, although they don’t shine as brightly because they’ve stopped being supplemented with illumination from the energy transfers.

We’re like moths flocking to the light even though we have no idea what the hell goes on in the light. The moth’s don’t know either but with each carcass that lays on the porch the light becomes slightly brighter. Except the Buddhist light. That fucker just keeps flickering as the moths pick themselves up off the porch and try again to become the light.

I’m not sure why it’s necessary for the light to accumulate in one place. Maybe the infinite darkness makes the individual energy particles indistinguishable until they gather in quantity. Maybe the quantity is necessary to produce enough energy to propel the light out into the expanse and seed the darkness.

I just don’t fucking know.

Each time I write Nicola I hear that bloody cough drop commercial in my head. So I hear Nicola like the Swiss yodeler hollering Reeeeecola. I can’t stop it from happening and this is also annoying,

Nicola also has made me look at static electricity and the numbers 3,6 and 9 differently. I had never really thought about the concept of static electricity. Static implies that the energy is there but not moving.


But if you can move that energy then it’s no longer static. The example that Nicola used was the sparking that occurred when he petted a cat. The concept is a simple one, but what I really didn’t grasp was how profound it is that the energy is just sitting there. Waiting to be transformed.

Nicola understood the potential but he wasn’t able to find a way to harness it without a catalyst. Like a few thousand horse power of fossil fueled energy, which kind of defeated the purpose. No one knows if he ever got any closer to a solution because all of his writings were stolen from his offices after he died. No one knows where they went and they’re probably locked in a vault in Exxon or Standard Oil’s basement somewhere in Texas.

And finally the numbers 3, 6 and 9. Nicola loved 3, 6, and 9.

One more time I find myself unable to understand the maths necessary to grasp the significance of these numbers. But for sake of reference I would suggest looking up Vortex math and Marko Rodin. Then you can probably join me in not understand his theory of a flux field of higher dimensional energy. An energy representing a vector from the third to fourth dimension.

Nicola also liked the Golden Ratio. I think that Dan Brown toyed with the idea in the Da Vinci Code but I’m not sure and not curious enough to reread the book. Nicola was a fan of the ratio though.

The Golden ratio is found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.


So I get the magic of the math. What I don’t get is how significant the number is in trying to understand the universe. Da Vinci liked it so much that all of the proportions of his painting The Last Supper use the ratio’s to measure tables and walls and spacing of the subjects on the canvas.

Which is kind of weird.

Maybe the Buddhists are right and the light is being recycled. Maybe the energy that flowed through Tesla also flowed through Da Vinci and Archimedes and a host of other hosts.

I just don’t know. It’s confusing and frustrating in equal amounts, and I can say with certainty that the light isn’t flowing through me.

I’m just not lit enough I guess.

2 thoughts on “Tesla”

    1. Thanks.
      I’ve thought about twitter. I suppose it would work as a venue for an isolated thought as opposed to an entire blog. Lots of people don’t want to read much more than a line or two and that’s the appeal of twitter I think.
      I use the blog to try and organize my thoughts into something coherent. Using Twitter is like accepting that the entire planet has an attention deficit disorder.
      That might be the case but I’m not quite ready to admit it.

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