
Southern U.S. states are typically republican. They also have a history of affection for Confederate flags, Jim Crow, school segregation and the occasional lynching or mass voter suppression tactic.

So, why did their state legislatures make it more difficult for women of color to get abortions? Why are they so anti Roe vs Wade? I don’t understand the logic. I guess it would stir up some shit if the new abortion laws in Alabama stated that only white women can’t terminate a pregnancy.

That would be racist right?

I don’t like to think in terms of conspiracies. I tend to dismiss all the deep state, 9-11, truther theories because they suggest that there’s actually a coherent group of people thinking ahead, instead of just reacting to what feels right in the moment. Granted, people love to be led and it really isn’t that difficult to conspire, but human nature isn’t predisposed to logic and sticking with a plan. As a result, most conspiracies are short lived because of poor planning or someone that can’t keep their mouth shut. We’re not very good at secrets either.


Is it possible that the idea of disallowing abortions to women of color has some logic to it? Never mind the Jesus, morality angle. The idea that republicans respect human life in all of it’s forms is so ludicrous it’s fucking laughable. The death penalty, no health care, relaxing or eliminating pollution guidelines. no minimum wage, fast food, climate change denial, education cuts and no gun control would suggest otherwise.

People are motivated by personal gain. In the case of abortion access the issue has become clouded with hypocrites claiming to be on a mission to save the innocent. Those same saviors have a tendency to disappear once the placenta has been cleaned up and the doctor bill delivered. There’s no line up of pro-life people at the adoption agencies and the same people that want the babies carried to term give zero fucks about the health care of the mother during the pregnancy, and sub-zero fucks about the kid once it’s born.

So, what gain is there for the people making decisions to refuse access to abortions?

First of all, someone has to serve in the army. Poor, mostly black and brown people don’t usually get to be generals, but they’re awesome privates so there’s that. But if you look at abortion and birth control from a wealth dominance perspective then there may be some method to the madness. If you can enact laws to keep poor women barefoot and pregnant then the current economic model stays intact. Poor people who are primarily black and brown will stay that way because they have too many kids to allow them financial opportunities to seek things like education, housing or God forbid, public office. People tend to not look ahead when they’re struggling to get through each day.

The more affluent a society, the less the birth rate. So, if the affluent aren’t going to produce more republicans then there appears to be a need to supress the potential non-republican poor. What better way to do that than to make certain they’re up to their armpits in kids they can’t afford. Also, its a good idea to make it really fucking hard for them to vote. By the way, I should mention that affluence doesn’t lower fertility or birth rates. The ability to afford birth control lowers birth rates. Also, if a middle class white girl in Mobile Alabama decides she wants to terminate a pregnancy, I think the odds are good that it doesn’t matter what her state legislature has to say. She can afford to go somewhere else for the procedure.

It’s a pretty good strategy for the affluent. You keep the private prisons full of poor people, armed forces recruitment is brisk, and segregation whether by law or unofficial policy is alive and well. Because poor people can’t afford to desegregate. It’s too fucking expensive, and they spent all their cash at crappy corner stores buying fat food because Kruger doesn’t like the economic model in the projects.

So, no broccoli. Just hot pockets and high fructose.

I’ve never been deep into the heart of where poor people live except when I was on vacation, and even then I mostly did a drive by and then went and stayed somewhere nice. With a fence usually, and sometimes security. But drive by observation suggests that MacDonald’s doesn’t have the same economic model issue as Kruger.

There are poor white Americans too. They also have more kids than they can afford. Same scenario as the people of color, so that would suggest that the must have kids legislation is squarely aimed at an economic and not a racial target. It just so happens that currently the target group is primarily made up of darker skin hues. Given the current wealth disparity I think the less wealthy are soon to be color blind.

Right now in America 1% own 43%. 19% own 50% and the remaining 80% own just 1% of the national wealth. I have no idea where the other six percent went. Offshore accounts maybe?

Many laws are made by the twenty percent aimed directly at the eighty percent. In fact when law is discussed regarding the one percent the discussion is about relaxing or dissolving those laws.

Tax breaks right?

I find the whole abortion argument in the U.S fucking moronic. If you really want to eliminate abortion then the solution is simple. You prevent unwanted pregnancy, and fucking voila, no abortions. But to do that you would have to educate people and provide birth control. Both of those requirements are an anathema to Jesus and a boatload of Americans, and I just don’t fucking understand why.

I think that America is looking at pro-life and pro-choice the wrong way. I mean, I get that it’s a war between the factions and Americans like war, but I think the 1% are playing you America. Are there really enough religious nutbars to prevent sex education and birth control availability? I don’t think so, because the affluent have no trouble at all staying out of the maternity ward if they so choose. Somehow dollars can ward off the opinions of evangelists and Jesus freaks I guess.

So here’s a solution for you America.

Make the access to birth control a right. Just like the right to possess a gun. Pass a fucking amendment that allows women to control their own circumstance.

Give it some thought would you America? I’m weary of listening to your stupid fucking argument.

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