
I’ve been thinking about the fact that if x squared = 4, then x can be 2 and it can also be -2.

I’ve been thinking about it because I stumbled across a thread describing neutrino’s, and eventually I ended up trying to understand a theory that proposes an anti-universe that runs backward in time. A – 2 universe. The understanding part is still a work in progress, not just because conceiving of a backward time scenario is difficult, but also because I was exposed to CPT symmetry along the way. Charge conjugation, parity, and time reversal symmetry. That exposure led to six flavor quarks, gluons, and eventually Baryon asymmetry, or as I like to call it, where the fuck did all the anti-matter go.

I have lots of reading to do and so I started with Paul Dirac. Seventy or so years ago Dirac proposed a theorem that bears his name. The Dirac equation, which foretold the existence of anti-matter and which also conceived of the idea of vacuum polarization. That inference suggested that what we thought was the vast emptiness of space is actually full to the tits with very short lived particle=anti-particle pairs. Pairs that when they come into contact with one another create instant annihilation. Although if I understand it correctly the annihilation of the opposing particles creates energy in its purest form. Whatever the hell that form might be. Hopefully I’ll get some clarification on that as I get deeper into this rabbit hole.

However, I got distracted because of Marjorie Taylor Green. I got distracted because the dumb bitch hit the airwaves with a quote stating that the sins of New York were responsible for the 4.8 earthquake and the April 8th eclipse. She warned America and New York in particular, that they need to repent. She kind of missed the fact that we can accurately predict eclipses for the next 3000 years, and instead suggested God was punishing the Eastern seaboard. For not liking Donald I presume.

Anyway, I was distracted because of the lack of intellectual symmetry that exists on the planet Earth. Dirac changed our understanding of the universe, and seventy years later an American congresswoman thinks that God conjures up eclipses as punishment for some sin that she neglected to clarify. How is this possible I wondered? How can we have the Cern accelerator at the same time as Marge? It’s a societal paradox where we have Atlanta named as America’s number one tech hub, and yet a place where Micon builds semiconductors is a half hour ride away in a Chevy pick-up from Marge country. A Confederate flag flying Chevy in all likelihood.

A place where I think I can safely assume that the elected are a reflection of the electors. I mean, they elected the stupid twat, so it seems logical to assume that the representative from the 14th congressional district is indeed representative. A place where the inhabitants are Marge-inalized.

It seems like an offence to the natural order of things that somehow idiocy is equal to, or more influential that sagacity. An offence so dire that it calls into question our survivability as a race as we continue to expand the imbalance of smart and stupid. I said earlier that Paul Dirac provided humanity with a gift of understanding, but I can’t shake this feeling of impending doom when our Marge mass continues to expand at a rate that threatens to make the Dirac contributions irrelevant. And I can’t fathom how the human race can continue to exist with this asymmetry of awareness.

I’m starting to get paranoid about the situation. Everyday events are starting to look like omens to me that we’re headed for a disaster of our own making. Everyday I’m exposed to stupidity that startles me enough that I look around to see if anybody else is hearing this shit.

An example of this shit of which I speak is in order.

Consider that the eclipse day takeaway from the foxholes at America’s favorite network was that the moon blocking the sun provided an extra four minutes in the dark for drug laden migrants to sneak into Texas.

Omens people. Harbingers of that which awaits us.

We’ve always had a skewed ratio of intellectual distribution. Genius is a rarity after all, but at least for the last couple of hundred years we’ve had trust that having smart people in charge was generally a good idea. Even if we didn’t necessarily understand what the smart people were up to, we still trusted their judgement. We trusted them because they gave us a polio vaccine and insulin. We had faith in them to understand and to codify our existence into something we could accept, but not necessarily understand.

Kind of like religion, only with demonstrable miracles. Shit like moon landings and hip replacements.

But when you think about it, any age of enlightenment or intellectual renaissance we’ve enjoyed as humans hasn’t meant that everyone became wiser. What really happened was that stupid people were either satisfied, or too exhausted from war or plague to stop societal advancement of things they didn’t understand.

But we’ve never been able to make that scenario permanent. Eventually a stupidity surge reappears, and all of the advancement stops dead in it’s tracks. Then the people that supplied the intellectual uptick go quiet to avoid being murdered by idiots on a mission.

A mission where those same morons are screaming for repentance. They want their perceived adversaries to regret their sins, and they want sole authority to define sin based on their superstitions and ignorance.

What’s ironic about our decent into a new dark age is that science has provided the tools to facilitate that decent, and we designed those tools so that they were simple enough for fools to use.

The world wide web.

It’s kind of a situational twist on the Tower Of Babel story. Babel where a vengeful God gave us many languages so we could no longer understand one another and work in unison. The modern tower of 5g though, is unfettered and unlimited access to lunacy that prevents us from working in unison.

We don’t just have too many idiots. We have too many kinds of idiots.

And that in my opinion is the beginning of a unique for humanity perfect storm. So buckle up and stockpile some ammo. I think we’re in for a bumpy ride.

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