
I found an article in a news site that broke down American corona deaths by age, gender and skin tone. After I finished the lengthy article, the first thought that occurred to me was that lots of males sixty and over have died, and If I looked around I could probably find some golf clubs for sale.

Then I wondered if there was an app for that.

I’m not particularly proud of the golf club thought, but I’m not ashamed either. It was a thought only, and I really don’t need any golf clubs anyway. All I did was extrapolate a conclusion or two from the statistics I’d just read, and determined that the families of lots of males around my age would have some things for sale. Things that I might want. Like a set of irons, or a riding lawn mower or some power tools.

I shared this thought with my wife and she shook her head and gave me an Owen Wilson wow. According to her, most people don’t have those kinds of thoughts. I think she’s wrong though. I think that almost everyone has those kinds of thoughts, but they choose not to share them. I share. What’s the point of thinking if you’re not going to share? It’s actually pretty selfish if you think about it.

But, sharing is becoming more and more difficult these days as the population of the easily offended soars. By the way, the idea that it’s only the left wing snowflakes that populate the army of the offended is ridiculous. It’s equally absurd for right wing types to pearl clutch over the concept of cancel culture. But Teddy, Tucker and the rest of the gobbling Goebbels in the GOP are immune to shame, so I guess that helps them feign injury over the cancel culture of the radical left.

The hypocrisy of it is fucking stunning. At the same time as these so called leaders are whining about a toy potato, they’re actively trying to cancel as many democrat voters as possible. In fact, the reality is that a movement has existed in every political system whose primary task is to cancel equality. Right at this moment the American Republican party is fulfilling the role of equality cancellers and whining about children’s books at the same time.

Cancel culture. Jesus, give me a break, What the hell do people think an election is? It’s a cancellation event. Donald Trump was cancelled. We cancel shit all the time when it becomes outdated or unsafe or even inconvenient. Change by its very nature is a perpetual cancellation event. Wars and pandemics are cancellation events. Genocide is a cancellation event. Life concludes with a cancellation event.

Any enduring civilization has no alternative other than to embrace cancel culture if they want to survive. But, the far right, alt-white Tuckertards only see injustice when they don’t get to unilaterally decide what gets canceled. They’re perfectly fine cancelling integrated schools, voting rights, gay marriages, taxes on the wealthy, universal health care, minimum wage, black lives matter protests and travelling Muslims, but immediately explode into outrage when their political bobble heads aren’t allowed to lie with impunity on twitter.

I think that every social stride forward is mirrored by a cancellation event in one way or another. Technology has enabled and educated us so that we can make wise decisions about what needs cancellation. Leaded gas, asbestos, and DDT were all cancelled. Not because they didn’t work but because they were fucking lethal and we had other alternatives.

The entire culture war that the Americans are now fighting isn’t about the concept of cancellation. Both sides are just fine with cancelling. The real fight that’s obscured by all the Dr.Suess bullshit, Is about who gets to decide what gets cancelled.

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