How Much Is Too Much ?

For the last month and a bit I’ve tried to ignore the Americans. Even with a concerted effort this has been difficult. It’s challenging not just because of the saturation of news and other online content, but also because the people I socialize with are generally aware of current events. And so our proximity to the Americans plus a pinch of awareness makes ignoring the neighbors somewhat problematic.

But regardless of how painful it may be to have to watch some of the trends currently on display in the United States, I maintain it’s in our best interests as Canadians to assign someone of competence to keep an eye on them. Our border is relatively porous, and I think some of the ideas that migrate North are more dangerous than the handguns that take the same route. Things like religious nationalism, and pretty much anything that comes out of the mouths of the MAGA hordes.

Like lies and loathing. Those kind of things.

I can’t even listen to Donald Trump speak without a sense of revulsion, and with all the other similar voices added to the mix, I’m left wondering when Americans are going to say enough is enough.

I find Don and Marge and all the rest of the performers an embarrassment to watch, and each time they open their mouths I I’m left wondering why there isn’t a collective insult felt by the intelligence of every American forced to endure their unhinged lunacy.

I’ve been deceived a few times in my life. Some of that deception was secretive and I wasn’t even aware that I was being lied to, and when I discovered the truth I was pissed. Some of the deception was well crafted and therefore plausible, and when I found out the truth I was pissed. But I’ve never been pissed off about being deceived by horribly crafted bullshit, because I can’t think of a time where I was deceived by horribly crafted bullshit.

Instead I was pissed off at the server of the horribly crafted bullshit. Insulted that a narrative had been presented to me that was so insane that the person or persons doing the presenting were assuming I was either an idiot or an inconsequential peasant.

Each time Donnie speaks into a microphone I hear nothing but malevolence. No ideas of merit, no unity and no optimism. Nothing but a panoply of abuse, threats, self-aggrandizing and lies. And of course personal grievances about the horrors he’s enduring from evil people trying to hold him accountable for his seemingly limitless trove of transgressions.

And yet he’s still here, serving up the same stupid shit day after day.

I can’t understand how Americans still have an appetite for what he’s serving. Maybe the appetite remains in place because the man hasn’t served America anything of substance. Bread and circus fare is assuredly a distraction, but it’s a cheap entertainment substitute for satiety. For a country of people that are always hungry for something, it’s hard for me to understand why so many people keep going back to his table for more, when clearly the man is only interested in a dinner for one.

Because it’s all about Don. Everything is about feeding his ego. The idea that he represents or even cares about anyone other than the Donald is verifiably laughable. He doesn’t give one shit, and all a person has to do is look at the trail of collateral damage he continues to leave in his wake to affirm the lack of shits given. He’s like radiation that poisons every environment he inhabits, and the list of people who’ve lost everything from careers to their freedom just from proximity to the man is mind boggling. And yet the base still maintains that he gives a shit about them.

And that is absolutely amazing in the worst way imaginable.

I’ve encountered my share of narcissists over the years. Dunning Kruger types and a panoply of arrogant attention seekers. They were, and are assuredly a gigantic pain in the ass, but I can’t say that I’ve ever known a narcissistic sociopath.

So what are the signs of a narcissistic sociopath you may wonder?

  1. They live in a deluded reality.
  2. They’re obsessed with power and control.
  3. They take advantage of and use other people.
  4. They have no moral boundaries.
  5. They have a huge discard pile.
  6. They feed off negative energy.
  7. They have a limited range of emotions.
  8. They get bored easily.
  9. They are empty inside.
  10. They become hostile when threatened.

Donald J. Trump would score a ten out of ten on the above checklist, and then with all seriousness stand in front of a crowd and brag about how well he did on the test. I took the test,. Aced it. The doctors said they’d never seen a score so high. Never seen a score so high.

Actually now that I think about it a bit, I have to admit that I’ve probably run into a few sociopathic narcissists. However, they’ve only been presented the opportunity to impose their derangement onto a minimum number of people before they were fired, imprisoned or utterly disregarded.

And it’s curious and disappointing that Americans haven’t provided that same result to ten out of ten Don, because everything he says is horribly crafted bullshit. Its odd and disheartening because in my opinion Americans have proven repetitively that they’re capable of responding to an insult to their country and their identity.

So respond.

We’re waiting.

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