My My My Corona

Borrowed from The Knack with one minor alteration. Also, just to be safe I’ll add an apology ahead of time to anyone named Sharona.

When you gonna give to me, a gift to me
Is it just a matter of time, Corona?
Is it d-d-destiny, d-destiny
Or is it just a game…

I don’t think that Corona is a gift. But, I think it’s only a matter of time until I’m exposed to the virus. I don’t believe it’s destiny because I think the concept of destiny is bullshit, and I most certainly don’t think covid19 is a game.

I also don’t think the virus is a hoax concocted by the democrats and the media to take down Donnie. The amount of ego associated with that assertion is fucking jaw dropping when it comes from the man himself. Imagine thinking you have so much value that your opponents are willing to concoct a hoax that might cripple the worlds economy, just so you don’t get to stupid up the white house for another four years.

Imagine the hubris it takes to continue to perpetuate falsehoods and misinformation to the American people, because your ego and your re-election are more important than the lives and health of those same people.

Imagine the vanity and contempt necessary to declare a national emergency over the threat a caravan of brown people poses to America, and not declaring an emergency over a fucking pandemic.

Imagine not having testing kits ready after watching China every day for a goddamn month. Imagine going on television to talk about a virus and patting yourself on the back for building a wall that exists primarily in your mind. Imagine imposing a travel ban on select foreigners and not considering if banning travelling untested Americans might be prudent.

Because when the individual states manage to develop a work around to this president and his crack administration, and the real numbers of infected Americans surfaces, then Canada and Mexico and the rest of the world might wonder about travelling Americans. Imagine what a few thousand coughing gringo’s might do to Mexico city.

Imagine that your fake news and misdirection bullshit has taken away the window of opportunity for some attempt at containment. Imagine that failure is going to kill people on the entire North American continent.

Imagine how confused the Trump supporters must have been when the N.B.A. cancelled games. What the hell right? The president said it’s just the flu and will magically disappear once the weather warms up. Imagine how puzzled those supporters are as March madness vanished and their boy cancelled his rally”s. Imagine how puzzlement turned to rage as NASCAR cancelled races.

Imagine when those supporters realize that a hoax can be about three percent lethal.

It’s a good thing that ammo and AR’s are relatively cheap in the U.S. now that everyone has lost somewhere around 15 to 20 percent of their investment savings.

Imagine a world where the mouthpieces of two global superpowers have decided that instead of working together to fight a virus, that they’d rather call each other names and blame each other for their own shortcomings.

Just imagine.

I’ve always maintained that as a society, we’re about two weeks of the power being out away from looking for virgins to sacrifice to the Gods. I think one of the first signs that we’re headed in that direction is when people start hoarding and panic buying.

Imagine if our supply chains get disrupted enough that food becomes scarce. We’ll look and act just like those monkeys in Thailand that are fighting in the streets now that the tourists have disappeared and taken their food with them.

I suppose that if anarchy descends upon us that we’ll be able to smell our adversaries coming because they’re out of toilet paper. But only if we had the foresight to stockpile some Charmin so our own asses don’t stink.

Just imagine.

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