So, what’s a Libtard?

I keep seeing the word appear in the comment sections of the news sites I frequent. I think it’s safe to assume when the word is deployed that we’re beyond meaningful dialogue, and have decided instead to throw insults around instead of ideas.

But the application of the word is broadly encompassing and it causes me to wonder if the persons using it have fully thought out who it is they’re trying to address. For example, in the American sites I visit it appears that libtard applies to anyone who has anything critical to say about Trump, his administration or his family. Whereas in Canada the term seems to apply to anyone who doesn’t irrationally hate Justin Trudeau.

So, I tried to dismiss Trump and Trudeau from the equation to see if there were underlying political and social opinions that favored the use of libtard among the commentators who choose to use the word.

The word materialises whenever a discussion comes up about carbon taxes or climate change. Libtards apparently think that the planet is warming and that human activity is hastening that warming. As well, it appears that any restraints or conditions on the use and extraction of fossil fuels is also something the libtards favor.

From what I can gather, the libtards also support immigration, the gay agenda, (whatever the fuck the agenda is), gun laws, women’s rights, black lives matter, modern sex education, reproductive rights, a minimum wage, taxation reform, voting rights, environmental legislation, recognition of and discouragement of racism, separation of government and religion, and marijuana legalization. I’m a bit confused about the label though because all of the above listed libtard traits might not necessarily apply to an individual libtard.

Surely there are people out there who think that global warming is a Chinese hoax but who also believe that sex education isn’t the work of Satan. Are those people considered part time libtards? Semi-libtarded? Half hearted libtarded?

I guess what I’m trying to sort out is how a person morphs from liberal to libtard. I’m also curious about the conservative equivalent of the libtard. Is that person a contard and what traits might the contard possess?

I suppose contards want God in school and government. They want environmental laws dismissed that may hinder unfettered capitalism. They want gays back in the closet and prefer that old men make reproductive decisions for young women. They want zero gun restrictions, only white non-Muslim immigrants, tax breaks for the wealthy, institutionalized racism and sexism and the evil gateway drug weed criminalized.

But, in the real world I think the average citizen of North America might possess some preference for both the contard and libtard ideals. I think those people are called moderates.

Modtards I guess.

It seems that the Americans have decided that if you’re a contard then you’re automatically a Republican. Libtards are Democrats. In Canada the Liberals are the libtards and the Progressive Conservatives are the contards. The N.D.P. is Bernie Sanders irrelevant.

So, assuming that your only real choices are contards or libtards then I think we make our electoral selection based on who we find the least offensive. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that I may have stumbled into an answer for how to define a libtard. It would seem that the majority of people are modtards because they don’t support a political platform in its entirety.

So it would follow then that a contard is an avid pearl clutching proponent of all the isms that constitute a conservative platform. Likewise, the libtard would be a tree hugging perpetual victims advocate.

So, where is the political party for the modtards? Why the fuck are we constantly selecting our leaders by who we dislike the least?

Because the world isn’t black and white. There’s a whole lot of grey out there. Actually, the world isn’t black or white but it is becoming a lot browner. From what I’ve been able to discern, that browning of the world is a prominent concern of the contards. Except if we’re talking about browning from drought. Because that browning is global warming bullshit. But the other browning problem can be solved with a wall.

The reactions to the browning of the world are interesting to watch unfold. It’s certainly a flash point of disagreement between the tard factions. Why can’t we just straight up admit that the wall is about the browning of America and the criminal, drug, terrorist stories the contards tell are bullshit? If everyone immigrating to either Canada or the United States were English speaking white Christians then no one at Fox would have their panties in a knot. It would be a non-issue.

But, we haven’t quite gotten to the point where a news commentator or serious political figure can straight up state that they don’t want brown people from shithole countries coming here. Especially shithole Muslim countries. I think we’ve come close a few times but even Laura Ingram has a few thoughts tucked away that she hasn’t been able to elucidate with absolute freedom. It’s a tough go for Laura when she has to apply some restraint when speaking of the Untermenschen.

Anyway, it appears the Libtard moniker is generously interpreted and applied. Same goes for the contard label although I haven’t actually heard the word expressed. Instead the libtards are sticking with redneck or alt right or some other name with trump incorporated into the word. Trumpanzee’s I think.

There has always been animosity between the governing party and the opposition. The system is designed that way. But I can’t recall a time when so many people have decided that family and neighbors are no longer good company strictly base on their politics landing them in the libtard or contard camps.

Putin is very happy.

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