Some Ideas, Some Questions

I don’t exactly understand the outrage in the states over the so called college scandal. I thought it was an accepted fact of life in America that money and admissions to good universities went hand in hand. The younger Bush even bragged about having a C average and still being president. Somehow even with that C average, curious George still managed to attend both Harvard and Yale.

His attendance was based on dad’s legacy and money. Two respected American traditions. Even Don the idiot isn’t whining up a twitter storm about leftist Hollywood types buying their way into schools because his education was purchased with dad’s money, and his grades are buried deeper than a Fox news hush money story.

So, here’s a suggestion. Universities need money to operate and rich people have money. I propose then that if you’re rich and your kid is either stupid or unmotivated that you can buy them a university acceptance. But, at the same time you have to pay for a not rich kid with great marks to go to the same school as your stupid kid. Kind of a two for one deal.

Because for all the whining and bitching about the poor kid with good marks not being accepted, the fact remains that poor would suggest it’s fucking unlikely that his or her parents can afford the hundred grand a year it costs to attend Yale. So, unless somebody is willing to pay for smart kid then the grades are irrelevant. Also, even if the smart but poor kid got a full scholarship, somebody still had to pay, so maybe my suggestion would legitimise the whole process.

So far thirty three parents have been charged. Even if we give those parents the benefit of the doubt and assume they had two stupid kids each, the total number of ineligible cheating students would be sixty six. Sixty six out of approximately sixteen million students doesn’t seem like a crisis worthy of a headline, nevermind an early morning gun drawn FBI raid.

Why is Pucker Carlson still on television? It appears that the programming directors on Fox have decided one of two things. Either Pucker speaks for the values of the network or he attracts enough of an audience to sell advertising. Both explanations are depressing and Pucker is a disgrace.

Speaking of depressing, Roseanne Barr is back in the news. According to Roseambien she was fired at the direct request of Michelle Obama. She has no evidence to support the claim but the accusation plays well in Puckerland and so the crazy bitch is sticking with her story. I honestly wish the mad twat would just fade far enough away that her next appearance on any media format would be an Oprah segment of where are they now. Some obscurity would go well with her absurdity.

I was watching Live P.D. the other day and was left shaking my head. Why the hell do so many people with outstanding warrants do everything in their power to get the police to notice them? I dunno man. It seems to me that if you have a warrant and you want to smoke some weed that there are better places than in a car with a burned out tail light and expired tags.

While I’m on the topic of police. Why does it seem that ninety nine percent of domestic calls involve some poorly tattooed guy with no shirt and a huge gut sitting in a lawn chair outside of a mobile home, or a skinny, poorly tattooed guy with a fucking mullet sitting outside a mobile home?

Also, why is the woman involved either a skinny looking crackhead or a big fat slob intent on butchering the English language as she relates her tale of woe to the exasperated cop? And, why is there so much garbage in the front yards of those domestic calls? If I were a cop, I’d have one look at a house and if it has an abandoned vehicle, scattered litter, beer bottles and at least two dogs, one of which is a Pitbull then I’d make a mental note of the address. Because the likelihood of being called back for a domestic shitkicking is pretty frigging high.

Apparently a Saturday Night Live skit that compared the Catholic Church to Mikey Jackson and Arrr Kelly has offended the church enough that their spokesperson has demanded an apology. I can’t remember what title the spokesperson held. Cardinal or maybe a Hummerbird, but his message was that in this age of correctness the Catholic church was the only group left that everyone was allowed to denigrate.

So, now the Catholic church is a victim? Seriously? The unaccountable black robed pedophiles are butt hurt over a skit in a comedy show? Didn’t some bishop from Australia just get five years for his young boy fondness? Maybe someone from the church should go and ask the bishops victims for a real description of butt hurt before they start whining about Saturday Night Live.


If you’ve made a decision to get a tattoo then why the hell would you get one that sucks? Needling ink into and under your skin has an air of permanence to it. I’m confused why a person would choose artistic permanence that looks like it was applied by a drunk five year old. Maybe the concept of the choice of tattoo is like a small advertisement of who you are. So, I can only assume that if you have a tattoo that really sucks then in some way you must suck too. It seems to me that a really bad tattoo is like painting your car with house paint and then having to drive that car until you die.

Seems odd is all I’m saying.

One and only one Donald Trump moment to conclude. The American president stated that his intent was to have nations that currently have stationed American troops pay for those deployed soldiers. Don actually stated that not only was he going to make Germany and Japan and South Korea pay but that he was going to charge a fifty percent markup.

Never mind the historical reasons for the American troop deployment. Don likely doesn’t know the history anyway. but is there anyone else who thinks pimping the American armed forces is a good idea? Does your average flag waving, support the troops, MAGA family want their sons or daughters inscription at Arlington to read, he died fighting for the highest bidder?

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