The 25th American Amendment

This provision to the American constitution was written and implemented to make sure there was a procedure in place to relieve the president if he or she are unable to perform their duties. This inability to perform could be from an illness like Covid or some other incapacitation that renders the boss of America incapable.

If the boss doesn’t agree, or is on a ventilator then there’s some formula that involves the majority of the cabinet and or a majority vote from the two branches of the congress to boot his ass out of the oval office.

Given the current state of the senate and the mindset of the people that work for the Don, it’s frigging unlikely that they would vote to remove him for being a mental case. So, he would have to die or have a ventilator rammed down his big Mac hole before a forced abdication would occur.

It appears that Donnie would need to be in a coma or dead to be replaced, because how exactly could they determine if he was mentally incapacitated? I can’t think of a Don deed that would cause a Fox commentator to shake their head and say, holy fuck that’s crazy.

I read a snippet of news the other day just after the Walter Reed joyride, where wee Don was quoted as saying that his daddy was acting crazy. Not certifiably crazy, just acting crazy. I think little Don was half assed referring to the side effects from the cocktail of steroids and other drugs that daddy Don had absorbed at the white house and the hospital. Enough drugs that his old mans demand for a pre-debate drug test would be kind of interesting if he shows up for a second debate debacle.

Still, a drug induced state of acting crazy isn’t exactly what your average American is looking for from the guy with the nuclear codes. I could be wrong about what the average American is looking for though. The MAGA crowd is large enough that they could arguably be labeled as average, and absolutely nothing that the king of the mad hatters does is batshit, at least in their estimation. He could grab his crotch and moan while someone was talking about Ivanka, and his base would argue that the left is just criticizing him because Ibonkya is more attractive than Michelle.

I think that it’s likely wee Don was being his version of strategic. Probably because he believes that if big Donnie goes down then he gets to be president because he’s the eldest son. This assumption would be in keeping with the vast pool of knowledge the Trump family have displayed over and over again regarding how their own government functions.


How the hell could America tell if their current president is nuts? What would the man have to do to generate a consensus among Americans that he’s freakng unhinged? These last four years have seen the nut bar lowered to a point where the president of all of America has indicated repetitively that he’s only interested in looking out for Americans that voted for him. He did it again the other day when he canned the next relief bill because Pelosi wanted to bail out the crime ridden blue states. He followed that up with a promise to deliver the aid but only after he was re-elected.

And what the hell was that photo moment when he returned to the White house? That prolonged heavy breathing salute to a helicopter? If some guy painted himself bronze and stood on a street anywhere in America and repeated that maneuver, it’s pretty likely that someone would call the paramedics and suggest they have their Narcan handy.

Also, with a couple hundred thousand dead Americans in mind, might it not be a tad unusual to again fuck up his followers by downplaying the virus and comparing it to the flu? Brush the virus off and don’t let it control you seems particularly hypocritical when twelve doctors are standing behind you within your fainting range. And where the hell are the medical advisors that think herd immunity is a good idea? How come they’re not on Don’s doctor posse?

When asked, Atlas probably shrugged.

I’m not sure, but I think at the moment there are more members of Trumps inner circle with Covid than there are in jail. Sadly for Don, you can’t pardon a positive covid test and so what fucked up strategy do you employ to deal with this undeniable, coughing, running a fever, hard to breathe truth?

It’s easy actually. You lower the nut bar even further by having Pucker and Gush start talking about a democrat conspiracy to infect only republicans. You ignore the video of a rose garden full of hugging maskless republicans, and hint that someone must be secretly and vindictively spreading covid to the Trump people. Someone of course, meaning some democrat.

Nothing baked about that at all. Nope, perfectly sane.

Back when a thread of sanity ran through the politics of our southern neighbor, Don the escalator candidate declared that he could shoot someone and get away with it. The claim seemed bizarre at the time, but with Billy Barr in his backfield it’s now increasingly probable. In fact, if he just wounded his target it’s likely the statute of limitations would run out before the legal arguments were decided over if he could even be charged.

So, I expect that the American president will soon start to carry a couple of Glocks with him. It’s his constitutional right and his enemies are everywhere. Plus all his secret service guys are sick, So, the law and order, open carry president will have to man up and look after himself. He’s his own press spokesman so there’s no reason he can’t be his own security detail. The NRA would be thrilled.

Nothing even remotely insane about that either I guess. Then there’s the fact that this president has a ten to one ratio of lies to covid deaths and the maga crew has joined fox news and Mr. Trump in ignoring both sides of the ratio. Two hundred thousand dead Americans and twenty thousand lies is somehow not worth talking about.

Nothing unusual about it at all. Lets move along folks, there’s a Qanon conspiracy to concern yourself with.

If there isn’t any way to determine the lengths the mad hatter king is willing to descend, then all we’re left with is speculation. The good thing about Don is that he’s nuts but he isn’t particularly inventive, and so it’s not impossible to guess what paths he may take as his desperation increases as voting day nears. Also, the guy has a habit of telegraphing his next moves on twitter rants. So, there’s that angle to assist with a person’s speculation.

How about demanding that his justice department charge and arrest his political opponents? Obama, Biden and maybe a Clinton or two will do and should make his base happy. Once you get to the point where the basis of the arrests don’t matter then you can have anyone arrested that you want. You might as well start big with a Biden bust. Arresting Joe might be a bridge too far so maybe the boy Biden is a good way to start.

Next you encourage those patriots that like to call themselves militias. Who knows, they might kidnap a Democratic governor or scare people away from polling stations. Maybe some of the Boo boys can kill two birds with one stone and join Donnie’s election watchers. Kind of like grade school hall monitors only with automatic rifles. Same maturity levels as eighth graders but with a little more menace. Sounds like something the base can identify with.

It’s bad luck for Don that he has a little cough. He needs his rally’s and his base needs him at those rally’s, so it’s imperative that people don’t know the state of his health. Because even in maga land it might be considered a little irresponsible to cough virus over your fan base. To be clear, Don doesn’t give a fuck about his base. Never has and never will, but the optics look bad and image is important, even to madmen so if he’s sick then he’s compelled to lie about it.

I expect Don to increasingly claim that God cured him of the covid. He might have wrestled the virus into submission with just his superior genes, but an assist from the almighty is always welcome. He likely see’s God as a peer anyway, and so look for a remark from the president that God visited him in his sleep and provided a personal endorsement. Maybe even a campaign donation, although oddly enough the lord chose to provide that donation in rubles.

While I’m talking about biblical stuff lets not forget about the harlot Kamala, necromancer Nancy, and the Whitmer witch. I fully expect him to call them whores and suggest that dilly Barr man up and plunk them in shackles and carts for a parade to Salem. Maybe in Oregon this time so the proud boys have something to do.

It’s not surprising to me that Don dropped an F bomb on fox. I expect his language to deteriorate even further as November nears. Not that I personally have a problem with swearing but it should be amusing to see how far Don is willing to go especially with his lady enemies.

There’s one card Don has left to play prior to refusing to accept the election results, and it involves the military. I think he’d really like to send the army out against BLM terrorists but the protests seem to have lost steam lately. If the cops were to shoot a couple more black people that would be helpful. Failing that, then I expect a few tweets about it being time for federal authorities to crack down on any protests in crime ridden blue antifa cities. Like Portland for example.

Other presidents have looked around the world just prior to an election and decided that a brown country bombing was in order. So, assuming activating the army domestically doesn’t pan out, I fully expect Don to play this card. The military may or may not listen. I guess it depends on the target. Mexico’s brown, and Canada is kind of brown too if you look at Toronto or Vancouver. So, if Trudeau pisses off the president then a cruise missile message to the C.N. tower might be in the cards. That’s the kind of order that could cause the military commanders to pause though, so the safer bet is across the water somewhere. Brown and Muslim would be best and if I were Iran I’d stop shooting down domestic airliners and save my s.a.m’s.

I don’t think I’ve ever been as concerned about what the next month of my life is going to be like. One bloody month before an election of our Southern neighbor and somehow a desperate madman holds the power to fuck up the world.

And he’s on steroids for fuck sakes.

If we get lucky and get through this then the goddamn Americans owe us something. They owe us a review of the checks and balances of their political system. They owe us some assurances that they can be trusted.

Because the current situation is madness.

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