The Aftermath

I saw a picture the other day of a bronze bust being removed from the American White House. My first thought was that a staffer or maybe one of the crime family themselves wanted a souvenir, and felt entitled to help themselves to a little American history. Later on in the day I read that perhaps the removal of the Lincoln bust was actually a return of art that had been lent to the White House by the Smithsonian.

We’ll see in short order I guess.

The jury is still out for me as far as the last acts the Trump family will provide as they make their exit from the people’s house. Ivanka likes art and I’m sure she feels entitled to some compensation for all of her hard work over the last four years. So I suppose an art heist is within the realm of possibilities. It never occurred to me to think that the Obama’s or the Clinton’s or either of the Bush’s would dabble in thievery, but, I automatically assumed that the Trump family would behave that way. I guess that if you know a pardon is coming your way then why not grab a couple of items on your way out the door? Not that an umbrella pardon has ever been a necessity for the Trump clan to act like shady pricks. But still, a pardon right?

Just imagine the possibilities. From petty mayhem to grand larceny, the sky’s the limit when you’re consumed with bitterness and in possession of a fucking get out of jail free card. Also, being bereft of any honor or decency is a bonus when you’re standing in the West Wing, debating if the Jefferson portrait would look good at Mar A Lago.

So, I was wondering about the aftermath of Don’s departure. I was wondering about all of the things that are going to be discovered. I’m not talking about the in your face disgraceful things like last minute federal executions and Trumpster appointments to the NSA. No, I’m talking about hidden things. Things that will crawl out into the public view when rocks start to get kicked over. It seems to me that if you’re willing to incite an insurrection and pathologically lie about any and everything, then there’s a distinct possibility you, your family and your administration will be perfectly happy to trash the place on the way out the door.

The act of trashing the place isn’t isolated to the white house. There are entire government agencies that can be damaged with a few choice loyalty appointments. Mr. Trump has of course already done this, and it makes me wonder how the job is going to go for those people that get to stay. I can’t imagine how a person would summon the will to get up every day and go to work in a Kamala world as a living. breathing reminder of the Trump mentality. The situation would require a special kind of person is all I’m saying.

But, Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he has many followers who can honestly claim that they are indeed special. So, I guess it’s possible that some of these people may endure the hardships of mandatory diversity training and office mask mandates that are sure to be enacted by the socialists. The good news is that these loyalists can regularly appear on Fox and whine about the latest liberal outrage. Tucker will be thrilled I’m sure.


What an insufferable self serving little prick.

Right this moment Donnie is having to pay the price for his unsuccessful insurrection, and the price is looking more and more dire each day. As his power evaporates, all of the people that were wary of him have finally discovered some backbone and decided that now is the time to deliver a presidential nut kick.

With any degree of luck those same people may realize that the presidential scrotum is well pummeled and perhaps they should deliver their nut kick to a different target. I suggest the cheerleaders at Fox. Those pricks and prickettes have done as much damage to the United States as their idiot in chief, and I hope to hell that they are force fed the feculent fruit of their labors.

Letting them walk away scot free with their propaganda profits is abhorrent. But letting them continue to lie and misinform and incite hate is even worse. It would be like finally ass kicking the Nazi’s but letting Goebbels have his own opinion show on cable. I’m not suggesting that Hannity deserves to be hanged, but at some point the Americans have to sort out something punitive for the mouthpieces that continue to lie with impunity.

Free speech doesn’t mean that you get a fucking pardon from accountability for deliberate deception. If Don can be held accountable for inciting a capitol hill maga mob, then it doesn’t seem to be much of a logic leap to suggest that the gobbling Goebbels at Fox are equally culpable.

They lie and they fucking know they lie. If America is genuinely interested in the truth then they have to find a way to deal with these assholes who make a living from deception. Shitty ratings and the withdrawal of sponsors is a start, but there has to be a punitive response to deliberately and repetitively lying on air.

Lawsuits I guess. Perjury seems to be easier to prove than slander or libel. so one way or another Americans have to find a way to drag the liars into a courtroom and make them swear on the book they claim to adore. Make them swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Never mind your profit generating opinions. The fucking truth like you’re talking to American Jesus with a secondary desire to avoid an American jail.

Also, if I were the mayor of one of the blue cities that the Fox fucks love to smear, I would immediately rename all the landfill and sewage treatment facilities after the Fox opinion hosts. Seems appropriate with all the garbage and shit they manufacture.

Anyway, I hope that Don and family suffer all kinds of well earned pain in the aftermath of this most terrible of terms. However, I remain hopeful that a quest for accountability doesn’t exclude the people who willingly jumped on to Don’s bullshit bandwagon. Because if those people aren’t reckoned with then they’re just going to walk away and find another version of Don, and the next version might not be a fucking idiot.

So never mind this unity shit. If you strip away the bullshit, then what the unity people are actually asking for is a mass fucking pardon. A free pass for all the people who abetted and perpetrated the crimes against American democracy for the last four years. No recriminations or accountability means that the assault on truth stays intact, and a Kelly Ann alternate facts world will persist and thrive.

A world where covid is a hoax. A world where Don won the election. An anti vaccine world. A world where the earth is flat and the elites are pizza basement pedophiles. An Alice in blunderland, reality t.v. shitshow where idiocy is idolized and the truth is trivialized.

A Trump world.

I remain hopeful that the aftermath will not forget or excuse the last four years. I remain hopeful that facts will matter again. I hope we ‘ve learned just how fragile truth is and our responsibility to protect and nourish concepts that share a shelf with truth. Things like integrity and honor.

That’s the aftermath I’m hoping for.

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