
We have a lot of Tupperware and I can say with confidence that I’ve never bought any of it. Also, I’d probably get a low rating on my skills when it comes to using said Tupperware. Apparently some of the plastic is designed for the oven. One piece cooks only rice and there are containers that are exclusively for the microwave. Most of the plastic is fine in the dishwasher but not all of it. Also, my wife insists on storing all of the assorted plastic lids separately from the containers they fit onto. I find this an amazing pain in the ass when trying to match up lids to the correct plastic box. Maybe if the fuckers were color coded it would help, but we have no apparent color scheme and for some fucked up reason there isn’t a clear distinction in Tupperware sizes.

So, we have lids that almost fit. I don’t understand why the manufacturers and the people who buy this product wouldn’t make the size differences distinct enough that you can see which lid fits its corresponding plastic bowl without having to use a digital caliper.

So, I just say fuck it and put saran wrap or parchment paper over top of anything I put in the microwave. The good news is that this practice has stopped me from melting or deforming the lids when I put non-microwave plastic in the radiation box.

I think I should point out that I’m using the word Tupperware the same way I use the word Kleenex. Tupperware applies to all of the plastic containers the same way Kleenex applies to all tissue product.

My wife has also taught me that Tupperware is not just for the kitchen. No sir, plastic with lids is as versatile as duct tape. We have probably a hundred different plastic containers filled with everything you could imagine. Not sure what to do with loose fishing lures? Tupperware. Tired of that kitchen drawer filled with loose pens and sharpies? Tupperware. All of the assorted batteries getting hard to find? Tupperware. Need a container to keep cat-nip and cat treats fresh? Tupperware. Tool cupboards getting disorganized? Tupperware. Need somewhere to store winter sweaters? They make giant Tupperware for that too. They call it something else but it’s a plastic box with a lid so, Tupperware.

I’m not saying Tupperware isn’t handy but I think the plastic boxes appeal more to certain personality types. My wife is most assuredly one of them. Regardless of which shopping facility we find ourselves frequenting I can count on her to wander away and somehow find a Tupperware display. It’s an amazing skill. Who knew that Safeway, Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Shoppers, Wal-fucking-mart, Target, and each and every convenience store has a separate shelf with assorted Tupperware?

If, for some reason you can’t find a specific piece of Tupperware then you have another option. You can go to a party. I shit you not, a plastic box and bowl party that showcases the latest designs and breakthroughs in plastic storage devices. As an added bonus, the plastic party host will happily send you daily e-mails revealing their newest product potential.

I mentioned a minute ago that the plastic boxes appeal to certain people more than others. I think if you ascribe to the idea that there’s a place for everything and everything needs to be in it’s place, then Tupperware is right for you.

But, how about meeting the non-Tupperware people half way and let’s make some sense of those fucking lids.

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