
I liked the first Zombieland movie and would recommend its viewing as a decent way to spend a couple of hours. The second movie is in theaters as I type this and I’m hopeful that the sequel does credit to the original.

So…………I was thinking about Zombies.

I was wondering if the whole concept is a metaphor for the decline of Western civilization. I was pondering if the zombies are actually meant to represent the great unwashed and uneducated masses. The masses that support conspiracy theories, monster truck rally’s and all you can eat buffet’s.

If I remember correctly, in the first Romero walking dead movies, the walkers were in search of brains. At first, I was speculating that the inference the writers were aiming for was that the brain quest would provide an IQ boost after ingestion. But, I dismissed that thought because the zombies in question remained unorganized. The only time the walkers became focused was when they heard a loud repetitive noise. Like a lock her up chant or something similar. The rest of the time they wandered aimlessly, perpetuating individual horrors at McDonald’s instead of a zombie group effort at a rally.

So, I wondered why the eating brains fixation existed if medulla munching didn’t make the zombie more intelligent? Assuming my unwashed masses metaphor was correct, then why the hell would the creators have zombies with a hypothalamus fetish?

And then it occurred to me that the zombies don’t want to educate themselves. They want to attack the people with intact temporal lobes so that everyone is equally brainless.

Brainless like little Donnie and this brilliant thought from his book. Quote courtesy of Newsweek.

“I rarely get emotional, if ever. I guess you’d call me hyper-rational, stoic. Yet, as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country … In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed — voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off of the office,’” President Trump’s eldest son wrote in his bookTriggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.

“Frankly, it was a big sacrifice, costing us millions and millions of dollars annually … Of course, we didn’t get any credit whatsoever from the mainstream media, which now does not surprise me at all,” Trump Jr. wrote.

Where to begin?

First of all, I have serious doubts that anyone in the Donald Trump family has actually read a book, much less written one. Secondly, pretty much everything in the quote is untrue, and thirdly his personal pity party at Arlington is pathetic.

So lets start with his ghostwriters use of the word stoic. Stoic means enduring hardship without complaining. Has anyone read Donzombies twitter feed? The man is like a spritzer made of half whine and half sparkling lunacy. In fact, the quote from the book ends with whining about the media not recognizing the family sacrifices.

Stoic…….Jesus, give me a break.

How about the emotion Donnie felt over his sacrifices? Sacrifices that brought a tear to his eye as he likened himself to the deceased veterans of American wars? Donnie wouldn’t recognize a sacrifice if he was standing on a temple top at Chitzen Itza with an obsidian knife clenched in his paternally small hands.

Millions of Republican ( taxpayer and foreign) dollars spent at Trump resorts? The Trump, Indonesian, Chinese resort venture? His daddy promoting little Don’s book publicly on twitter? A Scottish golf course, paid speaking events and the Doral announcement? And what exactly are Ivanka and Jared up to these days? Jared went kind of quiet after he secured the Qatari billions to bail out his family property. And who the hell knows what Yael does in a day other than obtain Chinese patents during a trade war? In fact Yael or Jael was an old testament, tent peg to the temple murderess whose story basically says that you should take advantage of the opportunities God puts in front of you. So, it appears Ivanka selected an appropriate A.K.A.

Not profiting from the office?

Jesus, give me another break.

Finally and on a side note. Who’s going to purchase and read this book? The red hatters are very unlikely to be the read hatters so I’m a bit confused over his potential readership. Maybe Hannity can read excerpts to the Fox zombies before bed, and then everyone can sleep well, content that the libs are being owned.

So, back to Zombies.

What’s next for us when all the brains are consumed? The zombies will still need to be fed. I suppose if you’re a zombie maitre d’ then you can breathe easy knowing that zombies aren’t particular. They’ll swallow most kinds of bullshit just so long as they’re spoon fed. But once they’ve consumed all the brains America has to offer then what’s next on the menu?

It appears that zombies don’t eat other zombies. So, it’s logical that once the obvious non-zombies are consumed then the search for sustenance is going to have to broaden out a bit. Fortunately there are all kinds of menu options, because non-zombie can easily be interpreted to mean anyone that is even remotely different from the walkers.

And that gives the zombies all kinds of cuisine options.

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